Just Another Song About Love?

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Let it out

Been building up you better let it out

Say everything that you've been meaning now

I want it to burn

    Saint doesn't know how long he's had feelings for his best friend Zee but it's been a while. He wants to tell him but he also doesn't want their friendship to get messed up. Sometimes he tries to slip little hints about his feelings but Zee is oblivious to them. It makes him a little annoyed at how absent minded Zee is. But he wouldn't have it any other way really. Zee is always who he is and never backs down to a challenge. Zee helped him to always be himself as well. This is exactly why he doesn't want their friendship to get ruined. Saint feels like he can truly be himself around Zee and he's not ready to let that go. He will probably never be ready. But who knows maybe soon. Sometimes he wishes he could get rid of his feelings but it's not that easy to get rid of love.

    "Saint your spacing out." Zee waved his hand in front of  his face and he got snapped out of his thoughts. "Are you thinking about me?" Zee asked with a little grin on his face. Saint scoffed  and hit Zee on the shoulder.

     "You wish!" Saint said loudly and glared at the pouting figure of Zee.

     "That hurt you know!" Zee whined and put his hand on the place Saint hit.

    "Yeah right I didn't even go that hard." Saint muttered but couldn't keep the grin off of his face. Zee started at him still pouting and Saint rolled his eyes. "Stop acting like such a baby!" Saint laughed at Zee.

    Zee made huffed and looked back down at his phone. Saint peeked over Zee's shoulder and looked as Zee played a game. Knowing this would be a perfect moment to do something mischievous. He grabbed Zee's phone and jumped up.

    "Hey! Saintttttt give it back." Zee whined and got up running after Saint.

    "No!" Saint laughed and continued to run around their dorm. But suddenly he fell on the ground mostly because Zee pounced on him. Causing him to fall on the floor. His heart skipped a beat and he stared at Zee who was on top of him. They were both quite and Saint could feel a tension form in the air. Saint's breath picked up slightly. He may of been imagining things but he thinks their faces got a little closer. He was probably imagining things though. For a while they were just staring at each other and Saint felt the tension in the air grow thicker.

But Zee broke the spell and snatched his phone from Saint's hand. "Ha!" Zee sticked his tongue out at Saint as he got up off Saint.

"That's not fair you cheated! Since when was pouncing on me allowed?" Saint exclaimed getting up himself.

     "Since you decided to steal my phone." Zee said simply and smirked at Saint who rolled his eyes.

     "Yeah that makes soooo much sense." Saint said sarcastically and glared at his friend.

When you tell me that I'm such a wreck

It isn't easy cleaning up your mess

It's like I've got a rope around my neck

He says it won't hurt

     "Why are you always getting in trouble Saint?" Zee asked as he dabbed some rubbing alcohol on the wound on his arm.

    "Well it's not my fault that you make messes you can't clean up by yourself." Saint grumbled and slouched in the chair.

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