episode 1

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[iida's pov]
I was walking to UA, and saw my watch. 8:10 I have some time so decided to take some walk. It was relaxed. I think this is enough. I went to class, and hope it wouldn't be like middle school.. I walked in. It was quite early, so there was only few students. Blonde hair boy, girl with black ponytail girl and a boy that has half red and half white hair. I feel weird when I saw him, but I decide to ignore it. some times later, students were arriving then there was a green hair boy. Then blonde hair boy started to yell at him. "what are you doing here, deku?!"
"k-kachann! I-"
"shut up! how the hell did you ev-"
This conversation made me recognise middle school, but not as much as start to panic. so I tried to calm down.
"okay. that's enough. it took 7 whole second to make you all sit down."
..shota-nii? he's my teacher? I knew him since I was young, because he was friend of tensei. I-I'm kinda..relaxed? If he's my teacher, he won't let it happen.. he got a sleeping bag, and started to take a nap. yeah.. classic shota-nii.. I guess now I have to call him aizawa.. by the way, this silence was awkward, so I just say, "why don't we introduce ourselves? My name is tenya iida."
"I'm denki kaminari! I hope we all could be friends!"
after all introduce, aizawa said get along and sleep again. I just pull out my book and started to reading it. then a girl name uraraka came and ask me to sit with them. I don't know why I did but I said yes, and follow her. and I saw half hair boy name todoroki again. what was this feeling?

[todoroki's pov]
I went to UA early, cause I had nothing to do. then I saw blue hair boy came in. he looked...nerveous? but why? I just decided to stop thinking about him. some minutes later, blonde hair boy started to yell at green hair boy. and when I saw blue hair boy,he looked..scared. but he was trying to hide it. it seemes nobody noticed but me.. then our teachers came, then started to..nap? Is he really our teacher? but then blue hair boy stand up and introduced himself. still seem nerveous and scared but try to hiding it. only I could notice because of damn father. then I feel sad? why? I just met him. maybe cause he was trying to hide his feelings? I don't know, but I couldn't focus. I was keep thinking about that boy named iida. why? because of that, I stared him when he came..sh*t.. I think he noticed..
[iida's pov]
todoroki was staring at me, but why? I feel weird but.. happy? what is this feeling? but then girl named mina suggest.
"what abot we have a lunch tommorrow? it would be a good chance to knowing eachother!"
everyone agreed with it. I guess I'm going too..

The next day

[third person's pov]
iida was preparing for lunch. he wore a sweater, jeans and comfortable coat. he went to restaurant mina said, and saw his classmates. he sit next to boy name midoriya. the boy who called 'deku' by bakugou. then he saw todoroki walking in. and he was.. shining? no, probably hallucaning.. he taught to himself.(sorry don't know spelling..) when todoroki sit next to him, he could feel his hearbeat was going faster. he was really confused. so he excused to everyone and went to bath room. what was this? but then.. he heard familiar voice..
"hey there~"

this is my first fic, and I'm really bad at english and writing. hoped you enjoy!

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