episode 3

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[third person's pov]
todoroki was feeling weird. he ask kaminari what he have to do next, and he answered 'flirting' but.. he wanted more. what did he wanted? when he was thinking, kirishima rushed into class and shout,
"bakubro and tokobro is dating!"
1-A was confused. deku was the most confused one.
"are you sure?"
mina asked. her eyes were shining.
"yes! I saw them kissing!"
midoriya started to mutter, mina was squeeling until bakugou enter. shut up shitty hair! but at the moment, yeah. that nasty grape demon said
"ewww gay fa-"
gladly before he end the question he was blown up.
"don't talk something like that about my boyfriend, you nasty grape bitch!"
todoroki realised. he wanted iida to be his boyfriend. then iida entered. todoroki went to him.

[iida's pov]
I entered classroom with nervous, then I saw todoroki coming to me. oh god. I swear I can feel my face are getting warm.
"iida, do you have any scedule after the school?"
"no, but why do you ask?"
"I'm going to buy some clothes, would you like to come with me?"
"of course! I also need to buy clothes."
Is this a date?...no. probably not.. I hope this was date. but.. todoroki is not gay. right? then the class start, so I sit down.

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