Innocent Little Heart

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Tapping my feet on the floor impatiently, I shrank on my seat, hoping the floor to open up and swallow me.

Just few minutes more, before the bald professor notices my empty desk and punishes me for not bringing my English textbook to the class.

As I was all ready to rise from my seat, a book slid across my desk.

English Textbook.

I looked up as he went past my desk, joining his friends in the punishment before greeting them with his mesmerizing laugh.

I didn't know what feeling was it but my heart stirred for my Best Friend.

Or maybe, something more!


This scene was captured by my eyes when I was in 8th grade. Ikr, the memory is still arched so lively and fresh in my mind. And no doubt this textbook gesture by him, for me, stirred something deep and beautiful within me.

So yes, that's where the title came from.

And oh yes, my first ever drabble.

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