Fred Weasley

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Bruises are worth it

I hope you guys enjoy my first imagine <3

Herbology finally finishes and Ms. Sprout tells us to have a good day. I put my books in my bag and quickly walked out of there to get to DADA. "Wait up Y/N!" I hear someone yell. I turn around to see Harry jogging up to me and finally slows down when he gets next to me. I smile,"Hey Harry, what's up?"  "Nothing much... but uh something happened," he says. "What?" I ask, while we walk down the hall.

"Uhm... Well... I was in quidditch practice and one of the Slytherins said something about you. It wasn't very nice and Fred overheard and looked really angry and-" I stopped walking and cut him off,"Don't tell me he got into a fight." Harry stares at me,"no I stopped him before he could jump onto the git... but he yelled at him and said to be prepared." I shook my head and started walking again. My heart starts beating really fast, "He's going to get himself hurt, why can't he just ignore it?" I ask Harry.

His eyes go wide,"You're joking right?" I shook my head no. He sighs and mumbled,"cause he may or may not like you more than a friend." He clamped his hand over his mouth and mumbles "shit shit shit," and now it's my turn for my eyes to go wide. "What?! I don't believe you. He would never like me," I said. "You're like a sister to me Y/N, but I can tell you one thing. You are beautiful and an amazing person," Harry says smiling as we turn to go upstairs. "Thank you, but I still don't believe he likes me..." my heart still beats fast.

I've liked Fred for about a year and a half now. There's just something about him that makes him so attractive; his personality, his kindness, his pranks, obviously his looks. And don't even get me started with his red flowy hair. I would love to run my hand through it one day. But for some reason my mind can't grasp that he may like me.

We continue to walk up the stairs and we start to hear shouting and chanting. "Oh no... please tell me he didn't," I say as Harry and I run up the rest of the stairs to see a crowd of students surrounding someone.

We push through the crowd to see Fred on top of Blaise, punching him. Blaise makes a move, which causes Fred to flip over, so now he's under Blaise. "You're such a loser Weasel," Blaise says. All I hear is "Blaise! Blaise" and ''BOOOO" while Blaise hits Fred over and over again, causing Fred's lip to cut open. He tries to shield himself but fails.

I gasp and give my bag to Harry and get in the middle where the two boys are. I grab hold of my wand and point it at Blaise and yell a spell, which causes him to fly into the crowd of people. I rush over to Fred, who is lying on the ground, trying to get up.

I kneel beside him and get a look of his face. Blood running down his lip onto his chin, a cut on his eyebrow, and a couple bruises already starting to form on his cheek and forehead. "Fred," I say quietly, which causes him to look at me with guilt. I helped him get up and I put an arm around his waist, helping him walk to the hospital wing. "No, let's just go to the common room," Fred says quietly, wincing from the pain on his lip. I nod and we head to the Gryffindor common room.

When we get there, we walk over to the couch and he lays down. "I'll be right back," I say, brushing the hair out of his face gently. He nods and I run to get the first aid kit from my bathroom. I come back with it in my hand and walk to the couch. "Can you sit up for me?" I ask and he slowly sits up, wincing a bit.

I sit on the couch next to him and get out some cloth and rubbing alcohol. "First off... Why?" Fred looks away,"Because that dimwitted git said you were ugly and other words I'm not even going to say because they aren't true. It- It got me so mad and I wasn't about to let him off the hook." I frown and put my hand on his chin, slowly moving it so he looks at me.

"Freddie, you shouldn't have gotten into the fight though, your cute face is all bruised up now," I say, blushing a little while starting to dab his lip with the cloth. He shuts his eyes, trying to ignore the pain. "It was worth it," he says, opening his eyes to meet mine.

I finish cleaning and bandaging his face and we're just sitting on the couch, and I can clearly see the pain Fred's in. "Look at me," I tell him and he does so,"don't listen to Blaise. He's a real dick and probably said those things to get attention. Whatever he said isn't true, because we all know I'm cute." I flip my hair and he laughs a little bit,"That's true, love." I blush and smile.

"Promise me you won't get into another fight?" I ask. "I can't promise that," he says. "And why not?" He cups my cheek with one of his hands,"Because I care about you too much and if anyone says anything bad about you, I'll beat them. I can't just ignore it."

"But you can ignore it, just don't listen to them, just like how I don't listen to jerks like them," I say leaning into his touch. But he lets go of my cheek and what he does next surprises me.

He grabs my waist and pulls me onto his lap. I feel my face heat up and I look down, but Fred puts his finger under my chin and makes me look at him. "I like you a lot, you know," He says. "I may or may not have heard from Harry... But I thought it wasn't true."   "Oh it's definitely true. You're so pretty and kind and- and you got a hold of my heart and I can't let go," He says, pulling me a little closer on his lap.

I smile and put both of my hands on his face. I guess I'm really about to do this. I pull his face close to mine gently and put my lips onto his. He wraps his one arm around my waist and the other one goes to the back of my neck, kissing my back deeply. His lips are so warm against mine, just like how I imagined.

Fred pulls away, leaning his forehead on mine. He has a huge smile plastered on his face,"I've been waiting a long time to do that."  "Oh you have no idea," I say and kiss him again. He pulls away after a second,"Does that mean you'll be my girlfriend?" I wrap my arms around him in a hug,"Of course." He hugs back and we stay in each others arms, not bothering to go back to classes for the rest of the day.

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