Michael Dare

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Michael, I dare you to drink a slushie as fast as you can

Michael: Aight! Let's do this! >:) 

-gets slushie-

Michael: And to help me not die while I'm doing this... my uhm friends wanted to be my support team! Uhm.. Hooray?

Rich: What the hell ith that thupposed tho mean, Mell? Hmm?

Chirstine: And what do you mean support team? WE just came here becau-

Michael: Shut up guys! This is MY dare! 

Rich: Pfft yeah okay. 

Michael: -rolls eyes- Anyygays! (changed because of a beautiful comment TuT) Let's do this for real! 

3...2.......1.... CHUGGGGG

Michael: -heccin slurps the whole thing in seconds- HH- OW OW! BRAIN FREEZE! 

Christine: Oh! Michael are you okay?!


Christine: Oh. uhm good point.

Jeremy: Michael what the hell. I warned you. -face palms-

Michael: Well it's not MY fault I'm awesome. 

Rich: uhuh.. awethome?

Michael: Hell ya AWESOME!

Jeremy: All right you goof! You showed that you're amazing now will you allow me to take you home?

Michael: Fiiinee~ But you owe meh cuddles!

Jeremy: huh? For what?

Michael: For... uhm... being... *cough* HEERE!

Jeremy: WHAT THE FU- ThAt WaS tHe WorSt JokE i hAvE evEr HeaRd

Michael: r00d TuT

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