The LOV, The Meeting, and My Fears

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***bad things***

The last thing I remember is walking down a corridor with Dabi. He has scars and he looked sad. I hugged him. He looked at me and promised that he'd always be there for me no matter how bad it gets or hurts. Apparently I understood. I nodded and looked forward.

"Father is gonna hurt me again, isn't he?"

"Probably a lot but be strong and I'll try to help you some, ok? "


He dropped me off at a room and I went in. A tall man with only a mouth stood waiting for me. He locked the door and walked toward me. He picked me up and I didn't say a word. It was as if he had done this before. I was then pushed down on a bed and harshly raped.

***No I'm not gonna describe it***

Once he was done he said to go back to my room and rest. I promptly obeyed. As I got to the door he put a hand on my shoulder.

"You may go out if Touya goes and watches you."

"Thank you." I replied almost monotone, despite the excitement boiling up inside me.

I went out to start playing with the boy from earlier walking beside me. As the park came in sight, I saw two boys about my age. One had spiky blonde hair, the other with fluffy green hair. I looked at Touya and continued toward them while he lingered back.

"Hi." I started.

"Hi" They both replied.

"I'm Izumi."

The blonde boy spoke up "Katsuki."

"My name Izuku "

"Can I hang out with you guys?"

" Sure! " Izuku replied.

We talked some before Touya approached me.

"We have to leave now. Say bye."

" Aww, I was having fun! " then I giggled. "Bye! I'll try to come again soon!"

"Bye hope we see you again! " yelled Deku after me.

"Bye! Don't become the nerd, he sucks!!!"

I laughed. "Ok!"


We walked back to a furious man, my father, dragging me off to a white room.

"Not again! PLEASE!!!! DON'T!!"

"You misbehaved! Why shouldn't I?"

" I'll be good! I PROMISE!!! "

"Too late!" By then he had me strapped to a table and he put on a white lab coat, while grabbing a syringe. I started wailing, begging him not to. He didn't listen he pierced my skin till it bled and he injected the quirk serum. I continued crying, but I soon blacked out. I woke up in the room I was raped in earlier, naked. I couldn't walk, but nobody was in there. I dragged myself over to my discarded clothes. It was hard to get on, but I managed. I dragged myself out of the room. I tried standing, just to stumble and fall again. I got up a second time and I manage to drag myself to the stairs.I somehow managed to get out of the building I was in. I then stumbled across a street to the park. I got really far into the park, when I saw the boys from yesterday. They then noticed me along with a woman beside them.

"Hi, Izumi!" I waved,  but stumbled and fell. It hurt so bad. I couldn't hold it in. I curled into a ball and cried, while they rushed to my aid.

"Are you ok? " The woman asked and I couldn't help but tell her everything that happened to me. Her voice was just so soothing. She dialed a number in her phone a cop car as well as an ambulance came. I cried til we got to the hospital when I finally calmed down.

" We are just going to ask you some questions. ok? Are you ok with that? "

"O-ok" I choked out.

"Did he rape you more than once?"

" Yes"

"Did he use the syringe more than once and what does he inject?"

" He injects 'quirks' into me. Yes. "

"Would you like to stay with the woman who called the cops and ambulance?"

"Yes! Please! " I had fear in my eyes. I didn't want to go anywhere near any other place to stay.

"Ok. I'll keep that in mind. I'm done with questions. bye."

" Bye. " I say politely. The door opens and closes. I soon fall into a deep dream-filled sleep. Though I can't remember the dream, I woke up sweating and crying, with a pit in my stomach. I felt like I needed to throw up. I stood up, suddenly feeling dizzy. I saw a bucket and I staggered to it. I reached the bucket and threw up in it.While I was puking, someone came in and called for help in the hospital room. They pulled my hair back and rubbed my back.

"Thanks." I managed to choke out between puking.

" No problem. "The tone was gentle, slightly monotone, and NOT female, which made me a little nervous. I couldn't hear much because of the loud ringing in my ears. (I'm a little scared of men, because of... Experiences)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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