The Fun Ends Here.

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He looked at her as if she was the most amazing woman alive. Simply, because she was in his eyes. She was beautiful, so beautiful. She had a smile that could bring a grown man, especially him, to his knees. Her laugh was contagious and she had a heart that he was sure was made of pure gold. She always put others before her self. And that is probably one of the reasons Derek Morgan loved her so much. Penelope Garcia, was the most selfless person he had ever known. Since day one, from the moment he called her "Gomez" and from the first time he called her "baby girl", Penelope had always been there for him. Rather it was for the team needing help on a case, or if Derek woke up from a nightmare at 3 in the morning or he was frustrated about life in general, she was the one who was there. He didn't need to constantly put on a tough guy act around her. Derek could be his true self around her. He couldn't even do that with his mom. The firecracker that he watched dancing with JJ and Emily on the dance floor broke down every wall the he swore no woman would ever be able to break. And he was grateful that she did. God, was he thankful.

She was his best friend. He told her everything and she told him everything. They kept no secrets. That has to be the second best thing that he loved about Penelope. She was so trustworthy. Derek couldn't help but shake his head at the woman he stood watching out of pure amazement. She made him break every promise he made to himself about women and falling in love. And he was damn glad she did.

"Care to explain what that smirk is about?" Came the voice of David Rossi, who was now standing beside Derek, drinking a glass of scotch.

Derek didn't even look away from where he was staring and just pointed.

"Her," he simply replied.

"She sure is something else," Rossi spoke with a shake of his head. "You really love her, don't you?"

This time Derek looked at the older man and with a smile asked, "do you have to ask?"

"No. I guess I don't," Rossi chuckled. "I'm guessing, you don't plan on letting this one go anytime soon."

It wasn't a question. It was fact. Everyone knew long before they even started dating, that Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan were a match made in heaven. Nobody needed to ask because they all knew without a shadow of a doubt, that once Derek had her as his, he wasn't going to let her go. Not without a fight anyways.

Derek and Penelope had been dating just over a year. And, it had been the best damn year of his life. The greatest decision Derek has ever made, up to this point in his life, was taking a chance with Penelope. Taking a chance on a relationship, on love. He left his "love them and leave them" ways in the past. And, he sure as hell doesn't miss it, either.

"I don't plan on letting her go, ever."

Rossi said nothing more. He simply smiled, took a sip of scotch, and then walked away.

"Looks like someone is having a hard time taking their eyes off of you," Emily said to her best friend as they walked off the dance floor to the bar for some drinks.

Penelope followed Emily and JJ's glances and her eyes locked with Derek's. He just continued to stare and his smile grew even bigger. Before turning her attention back to her friends, Penelope threw a wink in his direction.

"I'll tell you, Pen. I wish a man would look at me the way Derek looks at you," said JJ honestly.

"What do you mean, Jayje?"

"I mean, he looks at you as if you hung the stars in the sky. It must be nice."

"Oh, then what do you call what Hotch is doing?"

JJ's head quickly turned to where Penelope was looking and sure enough, there was Aaron Hotchner, staring right at her.

"Oh, please. Hotch doesn't look at me in any special way," JJ said, playing it off.

"You are either crazy or completely blind if you don't see how that man feels about you," Emily said.

"I could say the same for you, Em," JJ said.

"What do you mean?"

"Okay, miss profiler. You cannot tell me that you haven't noticed how my Italian Stallion looks at you?" Penelope asked pointing one finger at Emily while holding her piña colada.

Before the conversation could go any further, they ladies were interrupted.

"Hey guys," Reid said to the ladies.

"Hey Reid," JJ and Emily said.

"Hey, boy genius," said Penelope.

"Are you all having fun?" He asked.

"Why of course. I got my girls, the team and my amazingly too good to be true sexy boyfriend and alcohol," Penelope said cheerfully.

"I hate to break it to you guys, but the fun ends here," JJ said after checking her phone after hearing it go off.

"Let me guess, we have a case," Emily said, the lack of enthusiasm apparent to everyone.

"Yup. Let's go tell the others."

They put down their drinks and headed in the direction where Rossi, Hotch and Derek were. They were standing at a table with a drink in their hands and laughing at a joke Rossi told .

"There's my baby girl!" Derek said happily, wrapping an arm around her waist and kissing her on her cheek.

"Hey, handsome. Are you having fun over here?"

"Sure am. But, I'm sure I'm going to have more fun now that you're over here with me."

"Sorry, babe. We're here to break up the fun. We need to leave."

Derek leaned over and whispered in her ear, " are you ready to get home and have some fun of our own, baby?"

Penelope couldn't help but chuckle.

"As amazing as that sounds, handsome, I'm afraid we can't. It's time for us all to head to the BAU."


"Sorry, D. This one is bad," Emily spoke up.

"Where are we heading this time?" Hotch asked as they were leaving the bar and walking to their cars.

"Oklahoma City. Three women were found tonight, first two were shot and the third had been stabbed. Apparently, the unsub is extremely angry. She was mutilated," JJ said, catching everyone up.

"How old were the women?" Asked Rossi.

"All were 22 years old. And Hotch?"

"Yes, JJ?"

"I should make the suggestion of Garcie going with us. Reception is horrible and the part of the city we'll be in has horrible internet connection."

At the mention of her going along, Penelope's eyes grew wide. Derek gently squeezed her hand an gave her a wink, silently telling her she would be okay and he wouldn't let anything happen to her.

And he wouldn't. He would walk through hell to keep her safe. There was no doubt that Derek would give his life up to protect Penelope and to make sure nothing would happen to her. That woman was the most precious gift in his life and he would risk it all to protect her.... Or die trying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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