The Power of the Sphere

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As the Sun loomed over the majestic desert, the duo were making their way across the barren land towards the distant buildings. It was clear the scorching sun was having an impact on the two as Akash began panting and the Doctor began frequently stopping. "How about a rest boy?" asked the Doctor. 

"I wouldn't mind one,' replied Akash. The two took camp under a small leafy tree providing just enough shade to recover them from the Sun.  After a while of sharing a drink and grabbing a small bite of 'healthy beetles', Akash quickly and unexpectedly began to dig in his backpack and pulled out the Sphere. "I've got an idea!" exclaimed Akash. "Why don't we just make a simple vehicle? We can get there in no time!" The Doctor looked at him with unease.

"Akash, building a vehicle is something even I can't do yet. It takes a lot of practice and even more precision. You need to create an engine, electricity, wheels and much more. Back in my day, we used something called oil but that ran out a long time ago." Akash pondered on this for a while. 

"Who said I was going to make a car?" said Akash with a sly smirk. He held the Sphere in front of him and slowly began constructing what looked like a cart but there was a obvious flaw with it. There were no wheels! No engine, no oil no nothing! Just a cart of plain wood. "Step in," said Akash to the Doctor as he lunged in the wooden construct. A hesitant expression rose on the old man's wrinkly face but after thinking, "What's the worse that could happen?", he slowly crept over the edge. "Now watch this!" exclaimed Akash and to the Doctor's shock, the cart began levitating. Levitating up and above the hot ground. "Look...I can float," mumbled Akash under his breath as he focused on controlling the cart. 

"This...this is revolutionary!" yelled the Doctor as he swayed to the side. The weight of the man tipped the bucket as both fell out with a grunt. 

"Doctor! Why did you do that?" yelled Akash. The Doctor, ignoring Akash's exclaim began mumbling equations repeatedly. He began nodding his head in disbelief as if to say, "No, no that's not possible!" Eventually, he stopped and gave Akash a look. A look which to Akash was a new one. 

"Akash, what did you just do?" This was the first time the Doctor asked the young boy something he didn't know. Naturally, he was confused as well. 

"What do you mean sir?" asked the boy, toying with the Sphere in hand.

"How did you levitate it, what did you just do?" said the Doctor as he began walking around the crate, circling it as if to find an explanation to what he had just witnessed. He kicked the crate and even picked it up to find nothing. 

"Uh, I didn't do much. Last night I was fiddling with the Sphere. I couldn't sleep too well so I decided to practice using it. I began experimenting different ways in which I could use it and I figured out  something interesting. I made a small box from the Sphere and decided to try to float it for fun. I then realized I could quite literally manipulate gravity! All I had to do was think. I tried it on a leaf I found but couldn't even budge it so I was confused but then, after making another box with the Sphere, I figured out it only worked for things made from the box."

The Doctor nodded his head and restarted his mumbling. "Yes, yes that would make sense. The Sphere is connected to space-time so it would make sense that we could manipulate it." Akash gave him a look of confusion and returned back to his crate. 

"Well, do you want to go or do you want to walk there?" called Akash as he hopped on the crate. The Doctor followed his lead as they both entered the crate and sailed off into the distance.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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