What it has Become.

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A single tear rolls down her check, the pain is unbearable. Life had been a downward spiral since the graduation of 8th grade. She runs her dirty fingers through her messy, brown hair; digging her nails into the back of her scalp. Shaking in fear and confusion, sweat drips from her forehead.

Swiftly grabbing the needle she finds a vain and injects herself with shot of heroine. Sighing with relieve as she feels the sickness leaving as the high rush through her vain and into the bloodstream. Her vision begins to blur while she grabs her bag with all her things in it and stumbles out of the alley.

From the corner of her vision she sees a man approaching her, he takes her hand and leads her off. He wipes a bit of drool from the corner of her mouth. He leans down and whispers into her ear, "Don't worry sweetheart, it'll all be okay you don't have to worry anymore."

A soft, low, murmur is the only thing to escape her lips as she stumbles along with the man. Trying to look up at him he only moves her face back to look forward.

He pushed her into an apartment building. She still stumbled in, not able to comprehend the situation because of the drugs flowing through her veins. The jingle of his keys unlocking the door made her think back to her childhood. Her eyes became glossy as it hit her where she was; how low her life had gotten.

If her father had seen her in this condition, he would be in tears. Shame and guilt overwelmed her as tears flowed from her eyelids, futher smearing the once beautiful makeup she wore. She thought back to when she was a child, running around in the yard with him; the jingle of her fathers dog tags when he ran echoed in her mind. She thought about the time when she fell off her bike and her dad was immediately at her side to care for her wound. Memories of her past flooded her mind as tears continued to flow down her checks.

The man she was with pushed her through the door. Doing so she tripped and fell to the floor, the memories still looping in her mind enabled her to get up. All she could do was just lay on the ground crying. She lie there shaking and crying. The man grabbed the back of her shirt and pulled her from the stained, shag carpet. 

Picking her up was easy, for she had become so thin from all the drugs. Doing so he stood in front of her, a smile crept apon his thin, pale face. He didn't look sickly, if anything he looked healthier than a germaphobe. She scanned his face looking for any details of recognition but saw none. She tried to look at his eyes but couldn't.  His thick, black, hair draped over his eyes. 

"What is your name?", His smooth and quiet voice asked. The sound of his voice calmed her.

She stopped shaking and answered, "M-my name's Sophia..." 

His grin fadded as he shook his head, "No that simply wont do, I'm not too fond of such boring names. Let's see," he paused for a moment until a smile reappeard onto his face, "Your name will now be Zinnia!" he exlaimed with much joy.

"You mean like the flower?" She asked confused. "Why do I need a new name anyways? Who are you?"

He looked up to reveal a pair of large brown eyes, "You know it isn't very polite to ask so many questions in a row. But if I must answer your tedious questions, yes like the flower, because you're old name was much to boring, and I, well... I am your gaurdian angel."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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