Look I just got broken up with because they never actually liked me soooo it's spooky month and there is one particular place that is very haunted and known well as.
Well u see if u got to know me in person I am obsessed with horror and halloween but because of covid-19 my plans r now messed up. Halloween is being cancelled nobody is going outside for halloween which sucks and also ppl r now scared to go outside because there's been clown sightings in the US again which is pretty dam annoying.
The Cecil Hotel~
For ppl who don't know what the Cecil Hotel is, it's the most haunted hotel in L.A. which is now being called Stay On Main Hotel. So it's now being called Stay On Main Hotel because somebody else bought it and it's being shut down for 3 yrs and there now rebuilding it and hopefully it would be won't be for 3 yrs but for at least 2. Now for the researching!
Well remember the elevator game with that woman? Oh u don't know? Well let me explain the game. The elevator game is a very strange and suspicious game to play on an elevator, I believe u need at least 13 floors to play this game in a elevator and press certain numbers and once u reach to the 10th floor and u see a woman in all black do not stare at her not ever a peek look down and press the last numbers u have left and wait for her to leave after u see a room that looks pink and weird that's how u know u r finally in...ppl have said that somebody they known never came back or as the woman that played this game was in a tank...
When they were looking at camera footage they thought she was pressing random buttons and calling out for someone then walks away...but later on they found her in the water tank with her bones floating for how long they know. There's been multiple stories about her but never knew if she got into the tank her self or somebody else did...
Wonder why I told you that? Oh because it happened right at the Cecil Hotel. I've even watched this a couple times and I don't understand who she was even talking to...when she walks out the elevator she saw and knew it was another dimension and it did look like she was talking to someone...the elevator always was going on the floors it was doing but nobody ever walked back in again..
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A lot of people asked "How many murders happened at the Cecil Hotel?" well lets look into that. Since you could already see it's hard to look at the screenshot let me explain.
Sixteen deaths happened, it would appear there was strange deaths that were not natural for any hotel. Suicide deaths, murder and even "accidents". In 1940 there was a case Dorothy Sceiger from ingesting poison while she was staying at the hotel. Let's see who she is!