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Jin waited for his train, hoping it would hurry. He didn't want to change his mind and return back to the life he's been living for the past 6 years.

Everyone who stood around him were ogling at him and how handsome he was. Dressed in ripped jeans that showed just a little bit too much thigh, and a dark blue sweater. His hair neatly parted to the side, still styled from the party he was at earlier.

How he wished he had never gone. He wasn't a fool, he knew exactly what his husband was doing all those late nights. But he pretended to be unaware, for his own sanity.

Who knew loving someone could bring you so much pain? Wasn't it supposed to make you happy? Especially when you know the one you love loves you in return. Why can't he be happy with him? The way Jin is with him.

But instead he continues to cheat on him, over and over again. When he first suspected him of cheating, he had to see for himself and followed him. He asked his best friend and partner in his restaurant Jimin to go with him to follow him.

And of course Jimin went with him, just to make sure he didn't do anything crazy when he saw the truth.

They saw as Jin's husband walked out of work, and jump into his car. And they followed him as he stopped at a nice high rise apartment building. They watched as he got out, and go inside the building.

Jin kept hoping he was wrong, that maybe he was visiting a sick friend. What a fool he was, and very much mistaken.

When they saw him come down a few minutes later with his arms around another handsome young man. And kissed his cheek as he held the door open for him. Jin wanted to vomit.

Jimin wanted to accompany him home, but Jin instead drove to a bar and proceeded to drink half the bar's stock of whiskey.

Jimin stayed with him, and took care of him. So his friend will make it home safe.

That was just the first one Jin witnessed. He came to find out that his husband was quite the philanderer. And would never be satisfied with just one person.

After every one of his encounters he would then come home and act like everything was normal. As if he didn't just fuck someone while his husband sat at home waiting for him. With his heart twisted in agony.


Jin could hear the rumbling of the train coming down the tracks. He holds on to his bag tight and waits for the train to pull in so he can board along with the others.

A little bit farther away, in the busy parking lot. A man rushes out of his car, desperate to reach the one man he has loved since he was 16 years old. The one whose heart he just broke for the umpteenth time.

He hastily pushes people aside, hoping he'll be in time.

He stops when he sees his husband standing in line, about to take the step inside the train. That fucking train that is trying to take his man away from him. He starts running at full speed as he sees Jin step in.

And as he gets nearer he can see Jin as he sits at a window seat, wiping his eyes as tears keep falling. His heart is breaking at the sight.

He hears the train blast its horn as it is about to leave. When he reaches Jin's window, he bangs on it, which startles him.

When Jin sees his husband, running alongside the train as its pulling away, he can see that he's screaming something out to him. But he is pretty sure he knows what he's saying. So he turns to face the other way.

The other passengers look at the scene, and some curiously continue to watch what happens next. While others turn away and mind their own business.

When the train picks up speed, Taehyung stumbles and falls on the ground. He scrapes his hands, but he doesn't care. He knows he deserves way worse.

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