Jennie and the Alpha

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Moving always sucks. You have to organize, pack, load up the vehicle, make many round trips, unload the vehicle, unpack and last but not least, organize all your shit again. Like I was said before, moving always sucks. What was worst is that I and my father wouldn't even be moving if it wasn't for me.

A year ago I was attacked by an actual werewolf. I was at cheer camp and was taking a late night stroll in the woods when all of a sudden I woke up in the hospital, broken with many lacerations and bruises. I didn't remember anything about the attack. The authorities thought it was a big wolf or bear. They really had no idea what happened that night. What they did know was that I was the fifth and only person to be attacked and survive in the past month. I would still be clueless as to what attacked me, if I had not of shifted the month after the attack.

I was in the basement of my dad's house, which was re-enforced with cement and metal, when I started to shift. My dad was out working at the family restaurant when it happened. Amazingly after the shift, I felt like myself. With the exception that I was hairy, had paws and a tail. That's when I looked in the mirror and saw that I was a wolf; white, petite, and had brown-gold colored eyes just as I did in human form. It was the freakiest moment of my life. I was a werewolf, and I was calm, not hysterical or angry, but calm and...hungry.

I thought of pizza but an image of meat, bloody and raw, appeared in my head. I looked around and saw the refrigerator that my dad had in the basement for storage of more food. I pawed it open and found the desired meat: Six 15 oz. steaks, raw and bloody. I ate and fell asleep soon after. That was how it went for the next six months, but I started to get restless. Well, not me, and this may sound crazy, but it seemed like this thing inside of me was the one that was restless and it put me on edge.

I became short with people and rude and aggressive, which the last part was a little difficult for people to take serious when your only about 5'3", but that ended when I beat the hell out of them. I was house bound for that first month to heal and surprisingly that was all it took.

My dad found out about the new me the third month that I had changed. He came home early from the restaurant and found me, as the wolf, asleep on the floor of the basement. He fell in his haste to get away and I rushed up to him and nudged his hand with my head and gave a little whine. He crawled backwards trying to get away but I just kept following him; crawling on my stomach and whinnying. I rolled over and put my head on his lap and licked his hand. His eyes softened and he softly said my name, "Jennie." It wasn't a question but a statement. I gave a whine and he sighed and continued to pet my head. The next morning we had a discussion about what I had become, he professed he would always love me and support me; he also deemed me to be of sound mind and not dangerous to others.

Like I was said before, my wolf became restless; like it was caged by me being in the city and not being able to let it out and run. My father saw what was happening and made the decision to move us some place that was woodsy and I could let my wolf run free; which brings us to the present.

My father, George Kim, moved us to a small town named Wolment (population 3,500) which was an hour and a half drive to the nearest city and ten hours away from their previous residence. My dad said that we have a few relatives from my mom's side of the family that still lived there; I've never meet them, though my dad has.

He said they were some nice people. Dad was smart and hired a moving company to move everything to Wolment in one go, though it cost him a pretty penny. He turned over the running of his restaurant to his younger brother, my favorite uncle, Namjoon, and made the agreement that he would go and check on the restaurant twice a month and do the necessary duties of owning a restaurant that only the owner can perform. Even though he moved away and cannot do the everyday managing of the restaurant himself, our income from the restaurant wouldn't change.

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