chapter 14

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As paru was sitting down on her bed and sigh in sadness when she was about to confess to liu about how she felt as rema went in to the fox's room

Rema: let me guess you tried to confess to liu but it failed because Of lonky

Paru: did you know

Rema: guessing * lies *

Paru: now what...i nearly confess but now i feel like im not ready..

Rema: but you will be confident like popo and sola did to confess to each other

Paru: yeah...i hope soon..

Rema: yeah fox..

Rema's mind: i will kill lonky soon for ruining my ship

Paru: well i will go get a snack see ya...

As paru leaves her room as rema pulls out a bat and looks for lonky

Rema: * sees lonky * LONKY YOU RUIN MAH SHIP!!!!!

Lonky: * screams and runs * IM SORRY!!!!

as miyo and sola watch rema and lonky

Miyo: lets see lonky suffer

Sola: yep

To be continue

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