Sock-Puppet Symphonies

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He is still reeling from the aftermath of his defeat when they come to him. Eret was always so good at listening, at knowing, he was glad that they had such a person on their side. Today, he came with Sapnap, still distrustful of their 'king' was on their side, fingers twitching on the sword at his side.

"You have something for me?"

"Indeed I do, my friend. Something I'm sure you'll be interested in."

"Go on..."

"Wilbur's planning an election. He's the only one running, but it's under the pretence that there is some semblance of democracy in it. Essentially, he's trying to strengthen his power over L'Manberg."

"And our king here is doing nothing to stop it," Sapnap hissed. Eret calmly glared back from behind dark glasses.

"With all due respect, Sapnap, I have no business meddling in the affairs of L'Manberg. I will honour our peace agreement."

"All's fair in love and war."

"It's a good thing we're not at war, then." He sneers silently and folds his arms, Eret sparing him only a patronising smile. "What would you have me do?"

"Nothing. Leave it be."


"I have no doubt that this 'issue' will resolve itself on its own. If he really is rigging this in his favour, then justice will be served accordingly. We cannot break our neutrality over their leadership disputes, only hope that it will benefit us." There is that tone in his voice that leaves nothing to argue against. They bow their heads.

"Of course, Dream."

They don't let him see the slight worried glance they exchange, as not quite enemies, not quite friends, but both worried for the sake of their empire. Dream's mask smiles back at them. 

As they leave, he drums a rhythm on his axe, formulating a plan in his mind. What do I need, what do I need? There is no letting such an event slide, he has to grab the opportunity with both hands. A plot clicks into place. Slowly, he rises. 

He needs to find Quackity.


Quackity is sitting on the fence when he finds him. There's an argument on either side, between George and Fundy, about something that Dream can't find it in himself to care about. Instead, he just grabbed him by the arm and dragged him aside, just far enough that the others would not hear.

"How have you been liking my server?" The weight of his grip, planting him firmly on the ground, his side of the fence. Quackity doesn't seem to notice.

"It's pretty nice. L'Manberg's a bit of a weird place though."

"Weird how?"

"Like, what's up with Wilbur? He's paranoid about everything and everyone, what's he scared of?"

"He's scared of change, of opposition, of losing power. In fact, I hear he's holding an election where only he's running. It doesn't really seem fair, does it?"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I can't change it. I'm sure they've told you all about the war for independence, and how I'm banished. I can't mess with their politics. But you can."

"And why me?"

"You're just what L'Manberg needs; a fresh face, a different point of view. Plus, I've heard you're popular with the people. If there's anyone who can turn the tide before it collapses in on itself, it's you."

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