Chapter 5: It's All Clear Now

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It's all clear now.

3rd Person's P.O.V

Celeste went to the dining hall, Every single person in the dining all including Byakuya, Had their attention to her, Some confused on the sudden burst, and some bored.

"Everyone, Can we all go to the Laboratory? I have something to say and for everyone to know."

Celeste said, everyone stood up, and followed Celeste to the Laboratory, Of course---Byakuya went in front and, Saw that Asahina and Junko(Mukuro) Were holding Naegi- He thought that Naegi was safe, Then he went up to Kyoko, Sakura, Celeste and the other girls have fallen in love with the Li'l Cute Naegi.

Togami's P.O.V

I went up to Kyoko, basically looking at where or what she was doing, She was pouring some kind of Liquid to a Little Monokuma Plush, Then to my surprise, The Monokuma Plush turned into a Tiny, little Monokuma.

"It's Clear."

"What is exactly?"

"This Liquid, from this bottle, Is the liquid that is used for Naegi's sudden Transformation."

"Oh, Did you see how long it'll last?"

"It said a whole week, The side effects are also written------Known as Naegi feeling uncomfortable and not trusting anyone."

"Then i ask you, How come he trusted me already?"

"Well, I don't have a Valid Explanation, all i have is maybe because you're the one he first saw. So he probably thought you were his Father, or Friend."

"Tch, Ah, Reasonable."

"There's something that worries me though."

"And what would that be?"

"Let us also not forget that we are still in a killing game, Meaning there is no peace in this school, Anyone could try to kill someone, somewhere, sometime, We have to keep Naegi safe and the Others. Anytime, Anywhere something might Occur."

Suddenly Celeste went up to us, greeting us with her usual Smile.

"How about adding a new rule?"

"Like What exactly?"

"Everyone shall be in their dorm at around 10:00PM, Whoever isn't in their dorm will or may get killed by Monokuma, So that any murders will not be caused after and before Night Time. There are Security Cameras also, Chihiro can look at it the next day. then she can fill us with Information."

"Agreed, It is placed in the Monopad, So let us tell everyone about it."

Celeste then went up to the others, Sayaka held Naegi in her arms, While the others----Along with Confused little Naegi listened to Celeste's New rule, Monokuma Approved to this it seems.

I then walk over to Sayaka and grabbed Naegi, Letting him Breathe from the Tight Hug she was making, I suddenly saw Fukawa look at me in shock, then she started mumbling, as the usual.

"H-Hey Togami.. Can you sh-share him?-"

"Let him Breathe, Just because his Attractiveness Distracts you doesn't mean you have to squeeze him Tight as if he was some plushie you loved."

And right there, Naegi hugged me while Sayaka, Leon, Mondo, and Sakura stared in shocked, Asahina was just----I couldn't clarify or read what her emotion was, all she did was smile with her fists Out, Celeste just scoffed along with Kyoko. Fukawa was doing her own business also.

"Hey, Togami? Is this also why you and Kirigiri were acting Suspicious?"

"Suspicious? We weren't really acting suspicious, Why'd you think that?."

"Well you know, You both have been distant for 2 days, we thought you guys did something to Makoto since he wasn't in his room."

"Oh, He was just in my room, he said he was scared."

Everyone then had a shocked look on their face along with a gasp, Which was irritating but still confusing, Why is it surprising? I'm just taking care of Naegi. I let out a long sigh. Celeste along with Asahina Giggled, Sayaka and Leon aswell, Kyoko continued examining the Bottle, seeing what the effects were, Yasuhiro just started Playing with Naegi.

"Hey Togami, Does Naegi speak? or is he mute?"

"He Can. He just doesn't Trust you yet, Isn't that right Kirigiri?"

"Mmhm, He doesn't trust anyone new quickly. So he might have felt uncomfortable when one of you hugged him."

Asahina then sighed, I could tell she was a little Upset since Naegi didn't trust her fully yet, Finally, Fukawa stopped mumbling and instead looked at Naegi, I backed a step back, Who knows what she's capable of.

Sayaka then said her good byes along with Leon, She said she'll be in her room, Leon on the other hand said he should get going, Whatever. I don't care.

3rd Person's P.O.V

Togami then decided to let Asahina Hold Naegi, Togami along with Kirigiri then decided to see all of the side effects.

Trust Issues
(S: Try talking to the target, help them get to know you better.)
•Head aches
(S: Feed them soup, Pain killers, or Hot chocolate, it may calm their pressure.)
(S: Stay with them, Until they're happy and comfortable.)
(S:Just like the previous one, Stay with them and keep them company)
•Sudden Bursts(Crying)
(S:Try Rocking them or entertaining them with certain objects they want or like.)

It wasn't that much, Yet it seemed serious since one of them could happen any time, Yet the Solution to it seems difficult for someone like Togami since he didn't have Patience, It was fine with Kirigiri and Asahina, But they aren't the type to take care of a child, for their age exactly.

The Solution itself was difficult, What did Naegi Like? What can fix Naegi? What is Naegi's Fear? What can fix Naegi's Fear? Who is responsible for Naegi's fear? Many questions were asked with the people around the room, Then, Celeste carried Naegi, Asahina was proud that the little Naegi trusted Asahina along with Celeste now, Togami aswell.

Ishimaru, and Mondo decided to look around the infirmary, and to find Monokuma, for an exchange of explanation.

••Ding Dong Bing Bong••

Suddenly, The Monitor opened, Showing Monokuma.

"It is now 10PM! Please head to your Dorm, Whoever stays out will be or may be killed, Goodnight, Sweet dreams, Don't let the bed bugs bite!~ Puhuhuhuhuhu!"

Everyone sighed, Celeste gave Naegi to Togami, Then told her goodbyes along with Asahina, Kyoko told Togami she'll stay for a few minutes, fixing what she has made, Togami nodded and decided to take Naegi to sleep, But this time in his dorm, so that Naegi won't feel alone, Fukawa already went to her dorm.

They weren't prepared for what they saw the next day.

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