Cathleen's Story

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Cathleen was a young girl, around the age 15, at the time she awoke in a whole new world. She used to live by herself on a small desolate island. She hadn't met any others like her. It was just her and the creatures on the island. Cathleen never questioned her loneliness, it just seemed normal to her.

As Cathleen continued to live on the isolated island, she started to question her purpose. She would spend her days watching the creatures go about their days collecting food to survive and protect their families. Cathleen never had any real responsibilities or a reason. She just lived there, occasionally gathering food for herself. Cathleen had an urge to tame the creatures, but she knew that they could survive without her. She became sad and began wishing for a new life, but over the long years of wishing, her hope started to fade and believed that she would continue to live a lonely life without a purpose.

That night she wished the same basic wish she did every night, but her hope was running out and she no longer believed a new life was possible. She fell asleep believing that she would wake up on the same island as she always did. She closed her eyes tiredly, not thinking too much about the following days and drifted to sleep.

Cathleen opened her eyes to a bright light shining above her. She covered her eyes with her hands and rolled over, trying to fall back asleep and continue her dream. She began to hear many different sounds in the few moments her eyes were covered. The sounds were in no way familiar and intrigued her. She moved her hands away from her face and tried to adjust to the light surrounding her. Cathleen positioned herself upright and looked around.

Everything was different. At first, this excited Cathleen, but anxiety settled in and thoughts raced through her head. She tried to calm herself down and actually look around. Maybe something could help her. As she observed her new surroundings, Cathleen was amazed at the beautiful architecture. The interesting sights distracted her from her anxiety.

"Hey," Someone said from behind Cathleen. Cathleen jumped in fright and looked up nervously.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." It was an older girl. She was tall and had long brown hair. She wore a sparkly white dress and seemed kind.

Still feeling uncertain, Cathleen stayed quiet and folded her arms nervously. The girl smiled softly and took a step back to give Cathleen space to feel comfortable.

"This must all seem strange to you, I should probably introduce myself. Hello, my name is Cat," She smiled.

"Cat?" Cathleen repeated.

"Yes, that is my name. What is your name?" Cat asked, making sure to keep smiling.

"Cathleen," She said nervously.

"Come with me, I'll show you around," Cat smiled, reaching out her hand to Cathleen.

Cathleen reluctantly took her hand. She felt her heart racing with anxiety, but she knew she was safe with Cat.

"I love your hair Cathleen," Cat said as they walked around. Cathleen began playing with her pink hair nervously.

"Thank you," She mumbled.

Cat took Cathleen all around the area, introducing her to others while asking about where Cathleen had come from. Cathleen felt the eyes of others follow her. They seemed to know she was different, it made Cathleen feel separated, but she tried to ignore the feeling.

"I used to live on an island, it was only the creatures and I," Cathleen explained briefly as they walked into a store.

"Wow, so you were alone?" Cat asked as she had become invested in Cathleen's story.

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