A pirate's life is not for me

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The life of a pirate fucking sucks so much. The crewmates all small like they spend their free time getting drunk, which they probably do now that I think of it. They all are constantly making fun of me and giving me the hardest jobs, which are so much worse than the jobs I had to do on my last ship. And at night I have to sleep with all the other crewmates except I can't sleep. And it's not because my bed is hard as wood because I'm used to that. It's simply because of all the loud fucking snoring everyone does throughout the whole night. Last night I had to go up to the crow's nest just to get some sleep and nearly froze my ass off. It sucks. So I'm now in the dining area looking at my plate of uneadible food ranting about this in my head. I groan running a hand through my hair hating this so much. But my choice was either this or death, and I would prefer not to die.

I look up startled as one of the crewmates slams his hand down on the table startling me away from my mental rant. "Get out of your goddamn head boy. The captain wants to see you in his office now."

"Y-yes sir." I get up and head there. That stupid fucking captain is the worst. He's either always locked in his sleeping quarters, always in his office, or standing at the wheel with a stupid shit eating grin on his face. It annoys the fuck out of me. I get to his door and knock, since the last person to just barge in his office ended up dead.

"Enter." I walk in closing the door behind me. "Ah Pinetree, nice of you to join me."

"What do you want?"

"Is that anyway to speak to me?"

I silently clench my fists by my sides fighting the urge to punch him since I know if I do that he'll just kill me. "Why did you requesti to see me, captain?"

"That's much better. Have a seat." He gestures to the cushioned chair s in front of his desk. I sit in one keeping my hands clenched in my lap. "I called you in today because in the next few hours we will be arriving at a port in order to get supplies and to allow my men to try their luck with the ladies of the town so that they will stop bitching to be about how bored they are to be working for me on this ship. But because I don't want you trying to escape you are not allowed to leave the port. Instead you will be helping me carry crates of food and supplies and putting the supplies in the proper places on the ship. Is that clear Pinetree?"

"I don't have a say in anything that you do to me, do I."

"No you don't because I'm your fucking captain and you are my crew so that means you do whatever I fucking say. Is that clear?" He narrows his eyes scowling at me.


"Yes what?"

"Yes it is clear, captain."

"Good. Now you are excused to go tally up our current inventory until we arrive at the port."

"But I just did that two hours ago." He gives me a warning glare. "I'm on it captain."

I get up and head to the inventory and begin tallying what little food and supplies there is left. I finally finish tallying when I hear a bell ringing, knowing that means that we're at the port.

I head back up the the deck and stand at the gangplank debating if I should just try to make a run for it now. But what's even the purpose? I don't know where I am anyway. Before I can decide anything I feel someone grab the collar of my shirt to keep me from going anywhere. "Not thinking of running away are you Pinetree?"

"Of course not captain." Bill walks me down the gangplank where there are many crates full of food and supplies. I got to pick up one of the crates when I hear yelling. I look up seeing two members of the crew arguing about something when one of them gets shoved into me making me fall off of the port. "Ah!" I exclaim as I fall into the cold water, feeling myself sinking fast.

Maybe now is a good time to say I can't swim. I know, who works on a boat and can't swim. But I didn't ever think that I would have to actually be in the water if I work on a boat. I claw through the water trying to get to the surface but with no such luck. It feels like my clothes are only dragging me down faster. My chest hurts needing air so I open my mouth desparately trying to get some air only for water to fill my lungs. Think Dipper think, at least make yourself sink slower. I kick off my boots and slip off my jacket since I know those were dragging me down but I'm still sinking and I feel more water coming into my lungs. It can't end like this for me, I don't want to die.

I feel a ripple in the water and look up seeing Bill swimming down towards me. I reach out for him and he grabs my wrist pulling me towards his chest. I cling onto him tightly like he's my lifeline as he swims us up. We finally break the surface of the water, me gasping and coughing for air. He helps me back onto the dock, me on my hands and knees coughing up water and gasping for air to enter my lungs again as my soaked clothes clinging tightly to my skin and my hair dripping wet and pastered to my forehead. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up seeing Bill kneeling next to me with a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

I shakily nod my head yes, shivering as a breeze blows past making me feel even colder. He picks up his hat putting it back on his head and he drapes his coat around my shoulders as he helps me to my feet. "Th-thank you captain."

"No problem Pinetree." I go to get one of the crates but he stops me putting a hand on my arm. "Don't worry about the crates, I can have one of my men do it later. You go into my room and wait for me there. Just sit on my bed and wait for me and I'll be there in a sec to get you some dry clothes." I simply give a small nod as I head back to the ship and go to his room.

I sit on his bed once entering his room, it being a really comfty bed especially for one on a ship. I yawn being tired as well as cold. I lay down thinking I can shut my eyes for a few minutes. I feel a gentle shake of my shoulder causing my eyes to flutter open and see Bill standing over me. I sit up hurridly, my hair and clothes now damp. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to....I'm sorry." He chuckles at seeing me flustered like this.

"Don't worry about it Pinetree. It's not that big of a deal." He goes to his trunk and pulls out a white button up and some black trousers. "The clothes might be a tad bit big but it's better than wet clothes." He hands me and the clothes and then he turns around allowing me semi privacy. I strip out of the wet clothes leaving them on the floor and put on the clothes Bill gave me. The shirt hangs down to my thighs and the pants are too big. Bill turns around seeing me struggle to keep the pants up. He chuckles slightly. "Hang on a sec. I got a belt somewhere." He finds a belt and puts it through the belt loops on the pants, being too close for comfort in my opinion. "There, all done."

"Thank you, for the clothes and for saving my life."

"Of course Pinetree."

"I-I should probably get back to the sleeping quarters." I go to leave up he slams his hand on the door keeping it closed and startling me as I turn to face him, my face bright red feeling trapped. "C-Captain?"

"Bill. Call me Bill when it's just us Pinetree."

"S-Sorry. Bill, why won't you let me go back to the sleeping quarters?"

"Simple. I know that you don't get any sleep there and I know for a fact that you slept in the crow's nest and risked freezing to death. Can't let you freeze to death so you'll be sleeping with me in my bed."

"W-what?!" The redness of my face intensifies. "Two men? In the same bed?"

He chuckles at my reaction, holding my cheek in his hand causing me to flinch. "Relax Pinetree. I'm not going to hurt you and I won't do anything that you don't want. We're just going to sleep, perhaps talk if you want. That's all I promise." He takes me by the arm and leads me to the bed gently making me lay down. He lays beside me and pulls the blanket over us. He blows out his candle and lays on his side falling asleep. I take my bandana off my head and hold it close to my chest as I close my eyes falling asleep as well.

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