Queen-I hate my life... *takes out knife and cuts wrist several times*
LJ-Dude stop.....*Takes knife away* She is just mad.....
~Living room~
Broken-Raven: -turns in her wolf form and whimpers to her- ruff Me: arguing? Jordan: yes Me: Why Jordan: idk idc Me: WHY WOULDN'T YOU CARE THEY ARE OUR FRIENDS GODDAMN IT WHY DONT U EVER HELP OUT Jordan: DON'T YELL AT ME YOU FLITHY BISH Me: CALL ME THAT AGAIN YOU BRAT Jordan: FLITHY BISH Me: THATS IT -attacks Jordan- Jordan: -dodges moves-
Spark-*talking to BP* I hope they both forgive each other Q^Q I don't want them to hate each other forever. It was just one little thing... Such drama...