Chapter 1

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Hope u enjoyyyy brooooosssss
Made this book because of draco TikTok and because he's just so hottt aha...

Changing the beginning chapters slightly, sorry all
First few chapters are cringe but I promise they get betterrrr

The writing gets better I promise so just give it a chance...

It was 10th October, we all came back on 2nd September and it was a fresh new year.

A new me come to think of it. The previous years I had always looked like that dork in the corner of the class that EVERYONE took the piss out of. I had a massive glow up during the summer. Ditched my round glasses to wear contacts, stopped wearing my hair in a low ponytail, instead wore it down.

Didn't wear uniform that was two sizes to big. Instead it hugged my body beautifully.  I still wore my high top mr doc martens that I wore last year.

I'm a hufflepuff, yeah yeah I know take the piss out of me. Everyone thinks hufflepuffs are too sweet and kind hearted so they pick on people that are in the house. Not Cedric though, People look up to Cedric. He's always so lovely and sweet. I've tried speaking to him once however I didn't think he heard me at the time.
Her last name is Rose. So it's Not lilyrose it's lily Rose

Today i went to the great hall to get some food. I was in desperate need for some food. My hair was kinda messy as I couldn't get to sleep the night before. I see my two best friends Charlotte and Abbie already eating there breakfast,

Thanks for waking me up guys...

"Good morning sleeping beauty" Abbie spoke

I looked at her with a smile.

"Lily I can't see you without your braces on, it's so weird." Charlotte slowly said staring at my teeth.

She wasn't wrong though I had massive Chucky braces on since I was 13 at the start of year 3. My teeth were so bad back then and people always use to call me goofy in the class. They all thought I was some sort of dancing monkey they could just pinpoint all my flaws to me, Traumatised is the word I would call it...

"I love my teeth now." I gave a cheesey smile.

Narrators pov:

Lily had some toast that was already on the table piling up from whoever made it. She spread a lot of chocolate spread on it. Then biting it down reaching the centre like an animal, but she hadn't eaten the night before because she was in the library reading most of the books and studying.

"Lesson starts in 5 minutes, we better go before the teachers have our heads"

"Yeah let's go lily" Charlotte huffed

"Wait I I haven't finished-" lily pleaded to them both.

"Hurry up we don't want to be late to professor snape otherwise he'll have our heads." Abbie and Charlotte both turned, slowly tried to leave her.

Lily took the last bite she could, shoved her bag on and went. Hadn't realised there's chocolate spread on the right side of her cheek. Idiot

Lily's pov:

Great first period, I walk in and everyone is standing up, "New seating plan everyone, I'm sick the students need here thinking they can talk over me in class" professor snape hissed He was- he was seating us in boy girl nooo

I wanted to die there and then

"Miss rose there" he pointed right at the back of the class on the last row in the corner, so I did as he said and sunk down into the chair.
I just hoped he didn't...As I was thinking of this thought, professor exhaled the words "malfoy, next to miss rose" he indicated with his long claw fingers

My head shot up and I could feel my body going heavy and sinking in the anxiety.

Malfoy always use to pick and tease me with the littlest things. I know he was jealous of my grades because they were slightly better than his, I remember one year he took my glasses off and held them high above his head so I couldn't reach.
While saying the stereotypical words that we all know "specky fore eyes" he really was a git to me back then.

He gave full eye contact to me and rolled his eyes to the back of his head. I truly dislike him, everything about him.

"Now malfoy!"

"Fine." he rushed out and slowly seated himself next to me, He moved his chair rather close to mine. I felt uncomfortable...


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