Chapter 3

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Satomi's pov

After eating food that I've never tried before and becoming bloated, he helped me to a large room with a bed instead of a futon

"This will be our room, any problems do not hesitate to tell me"

I shook my head

"Use your words Satomi"

"I'm sorry"

He dismissed it and began to undress, before my eyes could wonder I turned around peeking ever so slightly

"You know I can feel you staring right"

I swiftly turned away, my face burning

Takeshi stood in front of me wear nothing but his pajama bottoms

"Arms apart" he commanded

I blushed but complied, allowing him to undress me until I was in my undergarments, before throwing a shirt over my slim form which felt like I was wearing a dress


I sat quietly as he undid my hair and brushed it

"I'm curious, are you from japan?"

"No, the old lady that raised me said I came from beyond the reaches of japan, she also said that English folk were my parents and had died after leaving me with her"

"Explains a lot"

" Were you happy in your old home?" he questioned

"Not exactly...they were all vile people, even though I stayed to myself somehow I was being called a whore and that I seduced their husbands for my own pleasure" I mumbled

"They'd usually be me, slap me, even throw water in my face, called me harsh names and all for the fact that I was born different, and that I'm small and weak"

I sighed, I hated how they treated me, it wasn't right, but I guess to some degree I deserved it

His hand turned my face to look up at him, him eyes squinting and burning with rage but his face displayed a smile, like always

I flinched

"Your beautiful, who wouldn't be jealous, hell, you caught the attention of an Emperor" he gently kissed my eyelid

"I'd burn it down just to please my little queen"

I gaped at him, blushing wildly

'Y-your majesty"

"Takeshi, use my name when we're alone"

My heartbeat sped up

"Takeshi, how can you say such things without batting an eyelash"

he laughed then kissed my hand, my forearm and my shoulder that was on display

"I would not hesitate to display emotions to someone that I am infatuated with, since gazing upon your beauty I've been smitten"

My skin felt hot where his lips had been mere seconds ago

"Is this not moving too quickly for you?"

He shrugged

"A bit, but I couldn't resist, I wouldn't want another man to snatch you up because I waited, better to declare that you are mine"

I went silent and nodded

"Use your words dear"

"Y-yes Takeshi"

He led me to the other side of the bed and get me down before going to his side

Yes I was in bed with a stranger and yes I was tense, rightfully so, so tense that when his and brushed against mine I flinched

"Relax, I wont touch you, you have my word"

I nodded, before I knew it I was dozing off

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