Chapter 3

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The problem with playing the field was that there WERE some unwritten playground rules you abide with.

They weren't published Rules Of Being A Successful Lover playbook by any means. They're just...kind of your own rules you've established for yourself that have proven themselves to be true and made you successful over time.

Do not directly approach with intentions: create a calculated plan to make it seem like you're not as interested nor affected by her. Let them crave.

Lisa didn't go out Friday night. Nor did she plan to go out Saturday night, but her friends were insistent she go out and drink with them. And her friends can be borderline taunting if she says no.

She's a little tired but felt somewhat accomplished, having finally moved in most of her stuff this week. Her place now had more furniture, making it sustainable for the next few years until she decides to maybe move again, until it stops becoming interesting, maybe. A few poster photographs she's taken were displayed on her bare walls; a couch and the usual entertainment set on her lounge. A coffee table and an armchair in stone grey lined on the left end of the side glass panel of her wall facing the corner near the balcony, ready to be moved outside should she decide to open her glass balcony doors when the weather's better.

Single furniture, all a little telling of her unwillingness to let anyone else in.

She still hasn't gotten any drapes for her windows. Not that she'd ever really need them, to be honest.

She still enjoyed feeling exposed.

Lisa's eyes carefully darted towards the curtained windows of the unit beside hers. She's been trying to avoid her neighbour since Thursday, making sure to put some distance between them. The thing about flirting was that you need to craft your next moves well: knocking on her neighbour's door would make her a creep and never was her style; besides, she was never about giving in. She always made her conquests chase.

And flirting was very much a part of foreplay, in the first place.

Well, maybe a very long, drawn-out foreplay by the looks of it since she hasn't seen her neighbour the past few days either, but that's not the point.

"Tori is asking if you're all set for the meeting you have with KT Telecom."

Her best friend's voice cut through her thoughts. They just came back from their Saturday drinks, but Lisa brought home with her Rosé, her pink-haired Australian friend from Uni. They've branched out since graduation but found themselves working together for their current firm: Rosé as her project manager while Lisa leads the partnerships segment. They were tagged as the "competitive twins" in their company, often attributed to their being inseparable.

It definitely had its pros and cons: Rosé knew exactly what makes her tick, but the downside was she also knew how Lisa's mind can get distracted, and boy does she go after Lisa like a dog with a bone when that happens.

She watched Rosé pour wine into two glasses. When she didn't answer, Rosé looked up.

"Lis, you know we need that account."

"I have it down, don't worry. I'm supposed to meet my contact in two weeks."

"Why not next week?"

Lisa shrugged. "Busy."

Rosé eyed her a little as she walked towards Lisa before she handed her a glass.

"Let's go outside, it's a little stuffy," Rosé sipped on her glass as she yanked open the balcony doors. The fresh crisp wind greeted their faces. Lisa grabbed the blanket she placed on the armchair nearby and draped one end on Rosé's shoulders. The girl muttered a thanks before Lisa wrapped the other end on her shoulders.

They both leaned on the railing while they sipped their wine quietly, listening to the sounds of Seoul at a few minutes past midnight.

"I'm surprised you didn't bring anyone with you tonight." Rosé's tone was almost accusing. Lisa smiled.


Rosé snorted. "Never aspired to be a notch on your bedpost."

"Never too late."

"I have taste."

Lisa elbowed the pink-haired girl playfully. Rosé chuckled on her wine glass as she took another sip.

"Seriously, though. Aren't you going to slow down anytime soon?"

"You know that's not for me, Rosie."

"Which part exactly? The commitment? The love? The vulnerability? The being-less-acerbic-and-be-sweet-and-thoughtful-for-once?"

"All of them."

"Aren't you tired?"

Lisa swirled her wine. It's not like she hadn't thought about it before. But going through all the girls she met in the past in her head, the thought about settling with any of them just felt...stifling.

"I'll consider it when you finally date me."

Rosé elbowed her hard, her wine almost spilled.

"Goddamn, have you been doing Muay Thai recently? That's fucking painful."

"That's because you're not answering me seriously."

Lisa laughed. "You know you're never gonna get anything out of me from that department. My mum tried. What makes you think I can tell you anything even I don't know the answers to?"

When Rosé didn't respond, Lisa fixed the blanket on her best friend's shoulder and tucked it in front of the girl.

"I just don't know what it is for me yet, okay? I promise you're the first I'll tell when I change my mind."

Rosé sipped the last of her wine. "I bet she'll be the opposite of you. She'll be so nice and proper, she'll have you whipped."

Lisa softly laughed. Her eyes caught the way the lights switched on through the gaps in the drapes of her neighbour's window. For a moment, her gaze lingered on the drapes softly, almost waiting for any activity from the unit next door. An indescribable feeling passed through her chest fleetingly.

Her eyebrows furrowed. Midnight drinks always messed with her head.

"Let's go inside, it's getting chilly." Lisa ushered Rosé inside. As she closed the balcony doors, she glanced again at her neighbour's windows and found that the lights are already switched off. The drapes are unmoving as usual.

She brushed off the slight pang of disappointment as she finished her remaining drink in one gulp.

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