The awakening part 2

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The kaiju up there is who he's fighting and it's not mine it's name is Yami 5

As the two were catching up the
ground started to shake Tim knowing exactly what this was started talking more seriously

" Maggie..... remember when I told you I would be Ultraman when I grow up " he stated with a straight face

"Y-yea.. we were kids we said some dumb stuff " she said nervously fearing for her long-lost friend

" well I kept that promise " he said showing her his wristband

Before she could protest he it already transformed and flew to the battle scene

On the other end the SSP weren't doing so hot most of the Jets and Men destroyed they no choice but to hold off their attacks

Just then Evo got there to see the dead body and chaos evo looked at the monster with Fury the reason being he took so much in a innocent life

The two fighters ran out of each other with the ultra controlling on majority at the fight

The Kaiju then started glowing and sparking Yami 5 ran at Ultraman Evo holding on to him

The ultra struggling to break from the monsters clutches then realized it was getting hot within a second later beats exploded leveling half the city

The townspeople had already evacuated to a safe distance and we're now currently watching as their hero struggle to maintain his footing

Pain. Is all Evo felt at that moment his color timer was flickering extremely fast meaning you only had a a minute to get up knowing this is most likely the end of his run he charged up his Platinum Ray

And Unleashed it on Yami 5 who was still unharmed

finally dropping to his knees from exhaustion Ultraman Evo silently hopes but the humans are safe

Just as the Yami 5 is about to Evo the Ultraman flips and jump kicks the monster in the face

Yami 5 unleashes a flurry of projectiles making Evo fall to the ground extremely close to death

Ultraman Evo then charges up his Platinum Ray and fires it at the Monster again but this time Yami 5 takes damage indicating that it's been weakened

Before the monster could Escape Ultraman Evo through his signature energy disc at it exploding the whole part of the city

Just as Ultraman Evo got up he was tackled to the ground by Yami 5

Just as the kaiju was about to cut off Evos.head a pink Ultra woman jumped up and kick them off making the monster retreat

" the reason I say to you is because I want to kill you myself but how bad would it look if Ultraman lost to a monster " said Ultra Woman vengeance(just think of ultrawomen joker with hikari armor

For the first time in his life Ultraman evil felt fear for his life he's already weakened

She then shot a lightning bolt restoring his energy

" don't think this makes us friends I just want you to get stronger prove to me why father chose you....." She said as she vanished into then air

" what a complicated individual she wants to harm me now if you want to
Save me " he thinks as he flies off

( a few minutes later )

Meanwhile Alice and Miles were freaking out their Son almost died if it wasn't for their daughter...

Pretty soon Tim walked through the door bruised and beaten would look of utter defeat on his face

" where were you... " Alice asked in a dangerously low voice

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