Chapter 8

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five years later

“Wake up Niall…” Brooke said softly from next to him in bed. He groaned as he turned around, his back to her now. “Come on, its Victorias birthday today. She’s ten today!” Brooke said, trying to encourage him to wake up. He groaned again. “If you don’t get up, i’m going to get Victoria and Celina on you. Now get up.” she said to him sternly. Niall rose out of bed slowly after he heard she was going to sic both of his daughters on him. Celina Horan was four years old, born when Victoria was about six. “Come on, i’ll make you pancakes.” she said to him. That motivated him even more and he followed her down the stairs and into the kitchen. 

After Victoria was found she was good, things picked up a lot. Brooke and Niall started dating, as did Sammi and Liam. Kaylee was released from the hospital as well. After they started dating, a year or so later Brooke fell pregnant and had Celina. They all moved out of the main house expect for the four of them, they all stayed. 

“Mummy, daddy.” Celina said as she came down the stairs quietly. She looked exactly like Brooke, and Niall loved it because Victoria looked exactly like him. She climbed up onto Niall’s lap slowly. “Its Victoria’s birthday?” she asked. Niall nodded slowly as he heard somebody else getting out of bed, who was Victoria. This caused Niall to turn around. Victoria’s long dirty blond hair was in a messy bun on her head and you could tell she was half dead. “Happy birthday!” Celina said to her sister, getting down and going over to hug her. Victoria smiled and picked her up and kissed her forehead. 

“Thanks shorty.” she said to her, taking a spot next to her father. Niall smiled at her and kissed her forehead next. 

“Happy birthday honey.” he said to her.

“Thanks dad.” she said to him. Brooke placed three plates of pancakes in front of them and they dug in. Victoria smiled to herself as she ate, loving every bit of the pancakes she was having. Niall ate almost as fast as she did, while Celina just ate as slow as she wanted. One thing that amazed Brooke about the two of them as the massive amounts of food that they could both consume. 

“Alright, Victoria go get ready and shower. We’ve got surprises for you.” Niall said to the birthday girl. She nodded as she jumped up and ran back up the stairs to get ready, due to her fathers orders. She got into her room and first picked out what she thought was a perfect birthday outfit - a pair of washed out high-waisted jeans and a cream colored blouse with black high-tops. She smiled at her creation as she went into her bathroom and showered. Her hair was dirty blond and naturally straight, which she hated most of the time. Once she got out she went specific with what the outfit looked like, and what her hair looked like. Over the years, Victoria had become very specific with what goes on and happens, even her school work. She was one of the top students in her class, and she took pride in that. Victoria was finally satisfied with what she looked like and picked up a blazer and walked downstairs. When she looked into the living room, she saw her family sitting on the couch with boxes, waiting for her. She smiled as she ran next to her father. 

“Here are your gifts.” Niall said to her happily. First she opened up the small box, to reveal a sleek, black iPhone. 

“Oh my god dad!” She said happily. Niall laughed as she continued onto the bigger box that took her longer to open. She smiled when she saw it. “I’ve always wanted my own guitar. Thanks dad.” she said, hugging him and kissing his forehead. 

“Now you can stop taking mine, right?” Niall said. She nodded happily as her sister sat on the ground in front of her.

“Sing me a song, sissy!” she demanded. Victoria and everybody else laughed as she started strumming to One Direction’s Irresistible. 

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