She's gotta decide

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Yuri's P.O.V.

We're really sorry, Yuri, but we won't be able to be there for this summer book fair, we hope you understand.

But we haven't missed one in 12 years, father, can't you really make it in time?

Unfortunately not. We have an important meeting that weekend that would lead to a huge acquisition for the company.


You still can go by yourself though, perhaps inviting some of your friends?

It's the only time of the year I get to spend time with you two...

Don't be like that, Yuri. You're about to become an adult, you should understand there are times where we won't be able to be there.

There's been plenty of those so far.

Good luck on your meeting.

Yuri, I'm sorry but we still can do something else once we can go there for a bit.

I have to go to school now, bye.


The last day of school huh...

Everyone seem excited to go and enjoy the summer with friends and family.

I can hear them talking about where they'll go, what they'll do...

Then there's me.

At least I used to have something to look forward to...

Now it's gone.

Gone as those birthdays, Christmas, new years and so on they couldn't make it in time.

Dad is right. I'm almost an adult, I should understand they're busy working, after all it's thanks to them I never had to worry about money before.


For what's wor-!

"Well, well, well! How ya' doing today Urine!", Satoru smirks deviously as he crashes my train of thought. I guess I can't expect him to leave me off the hook even in the last day of school...

"Gotcha!", I hear as I feel my book snatched off my hands. I turn around my head to see a very tall boy of dark brown hair. Yuta... I guess it's just a-!

I feel my head forcefully tilting to the side as I catch by the corner of my eye a boy of short frizzy brown hair. As usual, Tetsuya getting physical, shoved my head.

"I see you're greeting our favorite purple bitch already", a girl of tanned skin and dyed red hair appears and wraps her arm around the shorter Satoru's shoulder, giving me a mocking grin. Ran, Satoru's girlfriend to complete the 4...

"So what are gonna do during the summer Urine?", Satoru asks mockingly. I don't reply. First because I actually have nothing to do and second, even if I did he would make of fun of me anyway so why bother now...

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