Chapter Two : The Mistake

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Alec ducked, the sound of a blade arching through air meeting his ears before he kicked his legs out, aiming to unbalance the braced legs in front of him. Jace leaped back in response and Alec shot to his feet, darting forwards to meet his own blade with the other Shadowhunter's, muscles straining against the weight that threatened to push him back. His foot began to slip on the padded floor so he quickly brought a leg up, kicking out at Jace's chest and darting backwards when his parabatai moved back. They met like that, again and again, each trying to get the upper hand and failing. Stray kicks would make their marks at times, sending one of them skidding backwards before they were upon each other again, blades swinging and clashing, as they panted from exertion. It wasn't until they were both dripping with sweat, bare chest heaving that they finally called it even. It was obvious neither were going to get the upper hand so with a slight sigh, Alec placed his blade in its sheath, hanging it up on the wall before he rubbed his face with a towel.

He moved towards the door, aiming to take a nice long relaxing shower before going to bed. However, it seemed the world was against him lately.

"Going to see sparkles, lover boy?" Jace called with a smirk.

Alec flushed, frowning at the blond. "He does have a name you know. And... I don't know."

"What?" Isabelle sat up from her spot against the wall, catching the knife she had been throwing in her fingers as she gazed at her brother. "Alec! I told you that Mom and Dad were going to be gone until Monday. Meaning," She smirked, "That you have four days to spend with your Warlock."

Alec's face turned a deep red and he sputtered. "Are you sure you won't need me?" He finally managed to mumble.

Isabelle snorted, rolling her eyes. "By the angel," She muttered. "Alec! Just go already! I know you've been neglecting Magnus lately so now's your perfect chance to make it up to him!"

"Yeah." Alec hurried out of the room, if not to escape his siblings leering looks than to escape to the shower where he could commence to have the minor panic attack that was bearing down on him.

Four days with Magnus. Four freaking days of pure torture. Of having to fantasize without doing anything because he didn't want Magnus to find out. And Oh god he didn't want him to find out. Alec couldn't stand the thought of the Warlock laughing at him or worse, rejecting him.

God, he sighed, fate really liked fucking with him didn't it?

Considering that Alec had been avoiding him for the past few weeks Magnus did not expect Alec to come over to spend the night, let alone spend four days -but it was Alec and Magnus would do anything for Alec no matter how strange and awkward he's acting- and merely greets him with a smile and a chaste kiss, wary of scaring him off.

If there is one thing the Warlock has learned over the past few days it is that things like biting and licking and touching -generally anything besides almost-no-body-contact-kindergarten-kisses- scares Alec away and makes him bolt. And while he doesn't want Alec to bolt Magnus needs to get to the bottom of this, to understand why all of a sudden his loving and affectionate Shadowhunter has become withdrawn and distanced. He needs to know why every time he touches him a brilliant shade of red explodes across his cheek bones as his eyes dart to anything that isn't Magnus. He needs to know why every time he goes to show Alec affection his love flinches away. Had it been anyone else he have said the young Shadowhunter was either disgusted or scared of him, but it wasn't anyone else it was Alec -loving, sweat, affectionate, shy, innocent Alec. (If only Magnus knew just how un-innocent Alec was...)

So as they sit on the couch, a small distance between them, inches really, that feels like a mile, Magnus finds himself searching his lover's face for any hints as to what's wrong. However, he finds himself continuously frustrated when the Shadowhunter refuses to look him in the eyes. So, after an hour of not watching project runway, but instead examining his love as he squirmed (Don't look into his eyes, Alec chanted silently. Don't do it, don't do it. Don't do it.) He found himself letting out a snarl of frustration, moving closer to his Shadowhunter at a pace that even Alec couldn't escape.

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