Run for your life

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"Well paul, I think he took that good."

"Ya I can tell when he's mad."

"Paul I promise I'll be fine when your gone ok? It will be so hard for me to be without you though."

I jumped into Paul's lap crying as he held me in his arms.

"You promise Jackie."

"Of course."

"I'll call you everyday and right and everything."

"That's great ."

Paul and I got up and and took a walk outside hand and hand we walked to the park where he swung me on the swing then carried me down the road to where I first kissed him when we were little kids.

We sat on top of the hill where we always use to hang out. I tried not to pay attention to the constant staring of Paul.
I got tired so I laid my head down on Paul's lap the leather from his pants were cold but it didn't really bother me. I drifted to sleep then moments later Paul woke me up all of the sudden. He picked me up fast and ran as fast as he could.

"Um Jackie I just saw your dad so ya hate to break it to you but were runnin for or life's at this moment any stores you need to stop at."

I tried to ignore Paul's elbow constantly in my hip.

"Paul, please let me down I can run."
Paul didn't answer he just kept running we ran into a backyard who I guess was George's home.

Paul knocked on the back door till George came to the door with a bath towel around his waist and a tooth brush in his mouth. Paul ran in and sat me down on tbe counter.

"Jackie's dad was after us." Paul said out of breath panting.

"Oh ok well my folks are out of town for a while so stay as long as you please."

"George I need to use the telephone."

George directed Paul to the telephone hiding in the corner. I saw my dad walk by he almost spotted me but instead he saw George, George saw him staring and walking towards the door George opened a cabinet door and pushed me in as well as Paul who was squeezed by the sides of the Cabinet.


I opened the door slightly shivering from fright.

"Uh hello sir may I help you today?"

"Yes do you know anyone by the name of Jackie Besco she will be 16 soon and she's been running around with a guy who has the same style hair as you."

"Hmm no I haven't I'm sorry sir I've just moved here."

Jackies dad walked into the kitchen by himself and looked around I was scared he would find Paul and Jackie.

Your Gonna lose that girlWhere stories live. Discover now