The Past

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I still can't believe it finally happened. Rosalia Martinez has fallen for someone! I knew she liked him but it's totally different coming from her mouth. I was so happy when I found out I could've screamed. Excited as I was I was still wondering if she couldn't have fallen for someone in a less complicated relationship? How the hell am I going to get her with him. And the worst part is Rose seems to care very little about the situation

"Damnit how am I going to help Rose when she doesn't even want me to try herself"

"Help Rose do what?" she asked hugging me from behind

"Rose. When did you get up?" I asked as she let me go and picked up the toast I had only just finished buttering

"I've been up for awhile now. I even got a shower. Didn't you hear the water?" she said sitting on the sink counter

"Really? No I didn't. You know you've been waking up rather early these days" I said as she bit into the toast

"Have I? It must be because I haven't been partying much" she asked her mouth full of toast

"What did I tell you about talking with your mouth full?" I said facepalming

"Oh? Sorry" she said swallowing

"What am I going to do with you" I said before my phone buzzed. I quickly took it out

"I got a text" I said

"From who?" she asked biting into the toast again

"It's Jason. He asked me if I want to see a movie"

"So you going?"

"I don't know. I have class. I've already missed a lot trying to help Trudy's get back in business. And we already went out two days ago. Plus we're going to be seeing each other on the ride out of town"

"Then tell him no"

"But I could really use a break. Maybe this movie could be the best thing for me"

"Then go" she said

"But I-"

"Rebecca if you say another thing I'm gonna smack you"

"Okay fine, I'll tell him yes" I said before I sent the text

"So I guess I'll be packing alone. Seeing that you have a date and all"

"It's not a date" I said defensively

"It is to him"

"Rose I already explained that I'm not ready for a relationship. Jason knows this"

"Yet you constantly go out with him and you're always talking on the phone. Face it you're basically dating. The only thing is you're not having sex with him. You're really torturing the poor bastard" Rose said finishing the toast

"I'm not torturing him. I'm just taking things slow"

"No darling you're standing still. Taking things slow requires progression"

"Okay what about you and Alvin?"

"What about us?"

"It's been weeks and you haven't called him once"

"Yeah so?"

"What about your feelings?"

"What about them? He loves someone else. We made it clear it was just casual sex; I'm the one that made the mistake of catching feelings. I bet Alvin isn't even bothered" she sighed

"And what if he is?"

"Rebecca I doubt Alvin's waiting by the phone yelling at it to ring" she shrugged

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