Chapter 1 - I'm About To Break Down

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The music swelled in the air as the encore song began to play. I recognized the song immediately as Popular Monster as I felt the bass pound in my heart. Everyone started jumping and pounding their fists and I used the opportunity to sneak my way through the crowd and up to the front of the stage. He was so beautiful.

"I wake up every morning with my head up in a daze," he rapped.

"Hey!" Aylee, my best friend, giggled. "When did you get up here?"

"A few minutes ago. Does Ronnie to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"He...I'm not sure. Is he crying?"

"Wel,, it's an intense song."

"'Cause I'm about to break down! Searching for a way out! I'm a liar, I'm a cheater, I'm a non-believer! I'm a popular, popular monster! I break down, falling into love now with falling apart! I'm a popular, popular monster!"

"He's in the middle of a break down," I mumbled under my breath.

I watched each tear drop from his face, his foot smash against the concrete, his body tense as he spun around. He wasn't just singing, he was releasing. I knew that pain all too well. As the song came to an end, he was huffing and puffing as if he had just ran a marathon with no prep work. The lights went out but I saw him look at me and I could see the shimmer from the tears that streamed freely from his eyes. I inhaled deeply, pushed his hair back, bowed with the band, and headed back behind the curtain. The next band came on stage and I wiggled and wormed my way out from between the mosh pit and shuffled to the exit. I hurried over to the buses and did a quick scan of the two bands, no Ronnie.

"Hey, Ryan!" I called out.

"Hey! Want a picture?"

"Where's Ronnie? He seemed...upset, unusually so. I'm worried about him."

"Look, you're not the first fangirl to try and get into bed with Ronnie but ugh...he doesn't do that anymore."

"That's not what I was asking for but thanks," I groaned.

I turned away from the sly remark and marched my way around the whole venue. I didn't find him and it started raining. I tried going back into the venue, but the lady wouldn't let me because I lost my ticket. I sighed and ran across the street to a nearby restaurant when I heard some crashing coming from down the alley. I saw him fall over and I could hear him crying. Ronnie. I approached him slowly and carefully chose my words.


"Shit," I heard him mumble. "Ugh, hey! How are ya? Would you like a picture?"

"No. No, I actually came to check up on you. You seemed...distraught when you left the stage."

"Y-yeah. I'm sorry I bad."

"Don't apologize. Whatever you're going through, I can tell it hurts-"

"Thanks but...I don't need another condolence speech."

"That's not what I'm doing," I sighed, kneeling to his eye level. "Listen, I can see you're still reeling in from whatever happened on stage. I hope to see you at this group therapy session. Sometimes it's better to be around people than dealing with your problems on your own. Just take the card. You don't have to say anything." I stood to turn when he called out.

"I didn't catch your name."

"Zara," I smiled.

With that, I went to wait in the Jeep for Aylee. She texted me that she would be hooking up with a bassist and Uber home. I chuckled and drove back home for the night. The next morning I woke up later than I desired and quickly threw on my grey sweat pants and white tank top before heading out to the meeting room. Unfortunately, there were already a bunch of cars in the parking lot, meaning people were already showing up.

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