Chapter 6

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Chaeyoung was quick to find Jisoo, Somi and Jennie at their usual table in the quad. They were alone today with no sign of their significant others and Chaeyoung couldn't help but feel glad. It would be much easier to inform them of the events that had just transpired without their presence. It was early October and the weather, although still dry was starting to get cooler, the leaves outside a beautiful palette of various colours. Chaeyoung slid quickly into a vacant seat beside Somi who looked at her with slight concern.

"You're late," Somi commented, taking a moment to glance behind Chaeyoung in search of Lisa, "and alone." She continued. "Where's Lalisa? Haven't you just had math together?" Chaeyoung dropped her gaze to the table, feeling uncomfortable at the attentive looks her friends were giving her.

"Chaeyoung?" Jisoo asked her voice anxious. "What's wrong?" Chaeyoung looked up to meet Jisoo's worried face, her gut twisting nervously. She knew that she had to tell them everything that had happened, Lisa had asked her to do so, but, that didn't mean it would be easy for Chaeyoung. She felt sick just thinking about how miserable Lisa had been, the words she'd spoken echoing hauntingly in her head. I wish that they'd let me die.

"Chaeyoung?" Jisoo asked nervously. "What is it?" Chaeyoung looked between the apprehensive faces of her friends, each one of them evidently uneasy. They all cared for Lisa; Chaeyoung could see it clear as day.

"I don't know where to start," Chaeyoung admitted honestly. "Is Lalisa ok?" Jennie asked glancing at Jisoo who was becoming increasingly more restless beside her.

"Physically," Chaeyoung said. "Emotionally she's a bit of a mess to be honest."

"Where is she?" Jisoo asked making a move to stand up. Chaeyoung reached out her hand and took Jisoo's quickly to stay her.

"She's going home." Chaeyoung told them. "Miss Bae is calling her mom to come and collect her."

"I should go and see her," Jisoo said standing once again and going to move past Chaeyoung.

"I don't think that's such a good idea," Chaeyoung admitted, pulling on Jisoo's hand once again. Jisoo stopped just in front of Chaeyoung and looked at her, waiting for an explanation. Chaeyoung didn't say anything straight away, just sat silently watching Jisoo until the other girl took the hint and returned to her seat.

Once she was back beside Jennie, Chaeyoung continued to explain everything that had happened in the short space of time between now and the end of their last class. Before she could even finish, Jisoo shot out of her seat and had almost completely passed Chaeyoung by the time she had reacted enough to realise what was happening.

"Jisoo," she said, hurriedly vacating her seat and chasing after the other girl. She placed a firm hand on Jisoo's shoulder and she turned to face Chaeyoung evidently irritated, "leave her. The help she needs right now we can't give to her."

"I can't just leave her," Jisoo replied tears threatening to fall, her voice catching in her throat. "She's my best friend."

"I know she is," Chaeyoung responded with understanding. She pulled Jisoo into a comforting hug and the other girl reciprocated it, her arms enveloping Chaeyoung firmly.

"I know exactly how you feel and it is killing me to stay away as well, it really is, but, Miss Bae is right. Lalisa needs to speak to someone who is trained in dealing with situations like this." Jisoo relaxed her grip on Chaeyoung and stepped back slightly in order to meet her gaze.

"I can't lose her," Jisoo said wretchedly. "I won't. I've only just gotten her back again." Chaeyoung pulled Jisoo into her again in an attempt to ease her fears but she felt a complete fraud, knowing that she shared them one hundred percent.

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