Part 1

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-"Is there something wrong with me?" He/She asked looking up at the doctor.

-"I can't just stand by and watch you get hurt all the time. So. . .please stop pushing everyone away and let me help you. If you trust me. . .take my hand".

-"We're just friends. Nothing more. Besides he's with someone else. As long as he's happy I'm happy". Her tone held sadness as her best friend noticed the change in her mood. "You and I both know that you're not happy".

-"You're already in too deep. If you get caught there's no one to save you".

-"It was always you the whole time. But I realized it too late".

-"Sorry I'm a little too late. But I thought you should know that I love you. I always have". He said before collapsing.

-"Wait for me here. I'll come for you. I promise". He/She said before running into the burning building. (That promise was broken as they never returned).

-"Did it ever occur to you that you're not only hurting me but you're hurting everyone who's ever cared about you! Look around you. All these people care about you. I care about you. Why is that you can't see it?"

-"I'm not one of you. I never will be. So why do you expect me to be like you?"

-"Should we break up the fight?" One asked. "No, just let them get it out of their systems first. We need to find the "one" so we can use the subject for testing. They could be the answer to everything".

-"Promise after four weeks we break up? Then we go back to our normal lives?"

-"Subject 04 is dead. There are only eight remaining left. Shall I go and get subject 08?"

-"This time I won't go easy on you".

-"If I make the basket I'll consider kissing you. But if you make it you can decide my punishment if I miss". He flashed her a smirk.

-"Go ahead kill me. It's what you were hired to do".

-"The prank. . .it wasn't meant to be taken this far. I swear. . .We didn't know someone would get hurt. . ."

-"Y/N asked about you again. She's worried about you. Doesn't she at least deserve to know the truth? I myself know that you need to tell her. Y/N deserves to know. I'm tired of lying to her for you. Either you tell Y/N or I will".

Feel free to use these if you want to. Hope these help anyone who is having writers block or just don't know what to do during a scene. If you want to credit me, you can just tag me. More updates soon. Happy weekend everybody! Stay safe.

                                                                    - Kynslie114

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