Goshiki x Sweet!Taller!reader

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Word count: 642

You yawned and boringly looked the movie that was playing. It was some boring slice of life, but Goshiki had suggested it. You snuck a glance at the other male that was lounging on the other side of the couch. He had a stressed expression on his face and he looked deep in thought. 
"Hey baby?" You asked. "If there was something bothering you, you'd tell me right?" 

His head snapped to look at you and he looked back to the t.v. 
"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" he voice wavered slightly as he brought his legs closer to his chest.

'Like a kitten. cute...' you thought as your gaze returned to the movie. "I love you! but we could never be together! You're just to good for me!" The actress exclaimed and you couldn't help but let out a snicker at how dumb she sounded. 

This continued on for the last half hour of the movie. A weird or exaggerated line would be said and you would snicker or laugh and Goshiki would just lightly smile at you. 

Once the credits were rolling you got up and stretched your sore limbs. "No offence to your movie choosing abilities, but that was kinda boring." 

"HEY! I do take offence to that!" He exclaimed as he picked up the empty popcorn bowl, throwing the last few kernels at you. 

"no need to play dirty!" You laughed as you went to grab a pillow off of the corner of the couch. 

"NOPE!" goshiki yelled as he tackled you to the floor. "hEy!" he laughed as he started tickiling your sides and belly. You laughed and tried to push him off of you. "nO FaIr! You kno-hahha- that I'm- HAHHAHA- Ticklish!"

"I know! That's why It's fair!" he exclaimed finally stopping his attack on your ticklish self. He looked down at you as you caught your breath and his smile fell. He stood up silently and put the empty bowl of popcorn into the sink. After a minute, he felt strong arms wrap around his mid section. "M/N? What are you doing?" He asked, turning around so you were now hugging normally. 

"You don't have to talk to me about it. Just know that I'm here if you do. I love you Goshiki." You said seriously looking down at him. He gulped and looked down and buried his head in your chest. 

He started to talk but his head was still in your chest so his words came out all jumbled together.

"Baby, I can't hear you. Your still jammed into my chest."  you lightly laughed at his embarrassed pout. 

"It's just, the third years are leaving soon and I want to improve but I'm not very close to the other first years and I don't want to be alone on the team.'' he rushed out. You blinked and chuckled at his embarrassed blush. 

''M/N it's not funny.'' he said, nuzzling your chest. 

"You worry so much. You are an amazing volleyball player. Your only a first year and your already a starter! You night not be very close to the other first years, but you will make friends and you won't be alone. You shouldn't doubt yourself so much." 

You walked back to the couch and laid down on your back and tugged Goshiki down onto your chest. He let out a yelp of surprise as he fell onto you. 

"I wanna cuddle now." you said, in a matter of fact voice. 

"You could've just asked M/N." He said rolling his eyes. 

"I know, but I wanted to surprise you. You make the cutest face!" You said while rubbing patterns onto his back. He pouted and gave out a weak "I'm not cute!" as he started to relax. Soon he was sleeping softly on your chest. 'I love him.' you thought as you kissed him goodnight. 

Sorry that this is so short but it's been sitting in my drafts and I just wanted to post it already! If you have a request or a suggestion feel free to leave a comment! Stay safe and have a good day/night/morning/evening!

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