My Moon

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I haven't thought I could find such an impressive gateway in my entire life until my mother had to die. 

She was my sunshine, she was the best mother anyone could ever want.

My father was never around and too be honest, where I live fathers don't exist, and it's actually better that way.

Woman here look after each other they're living proof that they don't need men to be amazing parents. 

Her words were 'Women and Men are beautiful creations of God, you need to be able to coexist as women's equal don't ever think you are worth more than them and never let them tear you down, I want you to be you, an amazing, strong, and handsome you, be the best you you can be.' And I took that serious, I always took my mom serious.

I will never get my mother back I know that, but over the time that she died I realized that once the sun is gone you can't just get a new one you have to work with what you have and what I am left with is the moon, different but still beautiful, different but special, different but the same. 

I found a man named Artemis, he is my getaway and my lover.

We live in my childhood house by the women that raised me, and we couldn't be any happier.

Artemis and I still laugh at how he is named after a Greek Goddess and yet he's not a woman, his parents just really wanted a girl. We adopted two beautiful little girls and I know they are going to be in the best hands when Artemis and I leave this world.

Sometimes losing someone is for the best.

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