Part 1 °.Yui Comes Back.°

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°Yui's Pow:

I walked inside the big mansion of the Sakamaki's and tried to search for at least Ayato.
I heard a loud glass shattering sound and followed the voices what where coming from the living room.
I frowned and saw Ayato and Kanato fighting.
,,Thats enough you two!"
Reji shouted, but he immediately stopped, when he saw me.
,,B*tch Chan?"
I heard Laito calling me by my nickname what he gave me and turned around to see the tall, shocked faced vampire next to me standing, like he saw a ghost.
Ayato and Kanato immediately stopped fighting and now everybodys eyes were on me.
,,Pancake? You are back?!"
Ayato yelled in excitement and Shu, who was resting on the couch like usuall, opened his eyes and looked at me suprised.
I nodded a bit at Ayato and turned my head to Reji, who was pushing up his glasses slightly tensed.
,,Komori, how is it that you are back?"
He asked me and I were about to answere, when Ayato jumped in the conversation.
,,Well, of course she is back for Yours Truely!
Its her job to stay by my side and please me whatever she wants it or not after all!
Aren't you pancake?"

He asked me, taking my chin between his fingers and looking at me thirsty with his esmaralda green cat like eyes.
I stuttered and struggled out of Ayato's grip, who responded me with a frustraded growl under his breath.
,,I came back...because-because I needed to!"
I asnwered and tried to sound as confident as I could, but I think this won't work, like always.
Laito huffed and crosed his arms with a raised brow.
,,D-Doesn't matter!
I'm back, and that's what matters!
Where-Where is Subaru?"
I asked them, trying to change the subject and Laito shrugged.
,,In his stupid rose garden, I think.
He is upset."
,,But why?"
I asked them with a tiny curiousity in my voice till Shu growled, letting one of his arms hitting his face tiredly.
,,Ask for yourself!
Go out and see!"
He said and I nodded, leaving the others speechless in the living room standing.
I could hear a small 'tch' sound coming from Ayato and took a speed up on my feet before he gets on the idea of following me.

Out of air, I arived at the rose garden and put my hands on my legs ankles.
I let my body relax for a minute and stood up straight for searching Subaru.
I saw the white haired vampire standing in the middle of the garden, looking at a light-pink coloured rose and took a deep breath before heading towards the frustraded vampire.

.°His Only, Hers Truely°.Ayato x Oc Reader°.Fanmade Season 3°. Where stories live. Discover now