Phone Calls and Veggie Grill

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(A/N: So. Wattpad decided to delete my hard work that would have been this chapter. So, here is the recreation. I hope it's as good as what I had originally.)

"So, Alex, where's that band you've fallen for?" I ask, sitting up on the couch in the recording studio.

"They're flight got cancelled. They'll be here tomorrow." Alex says,

"What ever you say bro." I tell him and Jack laughs.

I unlock my phone and open Instagram. I take a creeper pic of Alex, Jack and Zach all swuashed together watching a video on YouTube or something. I post the picture, tag them in it and log out.

"I'm bored." I say.

"So, go do something." Jack says.

"Do what?" I ask.

"Call someone? Text a person." He suggests.

"Alright. See ya later." I say and walk out of the recording studio and into the hall.

I dial the number and wait for it to ring. Hopefully they answer.

"Hello?" they ask.

"Tay. It's me." I tell my sister.

"Bailey?" She asks.

"I go by BJ now." I tell her.

"Alright, BJ, how are you?" She asks.

"I'm not getting death threats anymore." I tell her.

"That's good. Is your hair still pink?" She asks.

"Yeah. It's pink." I tell her.

"How's the new job?" She asks.

"It's amazing. These guys treat me great and I am having the time of my life." I tell her.

"That's good. I'm happy for you." She says.

"So, what's new in your world?" I ask her.

"I'm graduating." She says.

"Seriously." I ask.

"There's more. I got a cheer scholarship to UCSB." She tells me.

"Holy crap! Tay that's awesome!" I say and I hear her laugh.

"Senior year is kicking my ass though. How'd you do it?" She asks.

"First, I wanted out. Second, I wasn't a cheer leader so I didn't have a socia event every night." I tell her.

"Ha. Ha." She says and laughs dryly.

"So, when's the graduation date?" I ask.

"June." She tells me.

"Alright. Give me the details closer to the date. I'll be there." I tell her.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"No, but I'm coming." I tell her.

"As long as you're sure." She says.

"I am." I tell her.

Moments later, Jack, Rian, Zach, and Alex walk out of the room.

"Almost done?" They ask as I hear someone talking to Taylor on her end.

"BJ. I gotta go. Cheer practice." She says.

"Bye Tay." I tell her and hang up.

"Okay, what are we doing?" I ask.

"Lunch!" Rian and Zach say.

"Can we go to Veggie Grill?" I ask. (A/N: I don't think that there are any Veggi Grills in Baltimore but whatever.)

"Sure." Jack says and we walk to the car.

(A/N: So, I tried to show that Taylor and BJ's relationship is better. I hope that came across.)

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