Chapter 2

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(Dylan O'Brien as Zekiel Ferrera) Zekiel's POV (Zaki)

Life can be such a bitch sometimes. I hate it that she is going through all this crap in her life, she deserves better, so much better. I know somewhere in her head she thinks that the closer the people get to her they get repelled and that's why she tries so hard to keep her feelings all bottled up. For that sole reason she stopped talking completely after the incident. Even smiling was something she wasn't able to do. I knew cheering her on and making silly conversations with her was the only way I could keep her in the sane world. But even that was hard when she doesn't have any motivation to do anything anymore. Trust me I don't blame her. I would never had been able to live through the phase she did. She maybe a little broken, but us normal folks wouldn't be able to survive that. So I promised myself that whatever happens I will stick till the end and hopefully by now she knows it too.

But I got a hope when a stupid friend called me about how he was coming back. I knew this is my only chance to keep her in this world and get her all motivated. To make her happy again.

And now its been a whole year since Eros has been back. And to say that things changed would be an understatement. After all he was the life of the squad.

Me, Reina and Eros had been best of friends since kindergarten. Everybody in the five mile radius would look at us and know that Reina was in love with Eros and I was the third wheel. In fact I remember a teammate of mine from hockey was asking me about whether I felt left out, or whether there is a love triangle. I would just laugh at those statements. That was not something that could ever happen. It was like something unspoken. Reina has always loved him. But that idiot was so full of the crappy sunshine (that Reina mentions so much) that he never understood the way she looked at him.

And anyways I had my eye on a certain blonde with blue eyes,

who spoke like an angel, I mean come on she was the only reason I even attended dramas and Shakespeare's recitals

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who spoke like an angel, I mean come on she was the only reason I even attended dramas and Shakespeare's recitals. But before I could even think about her. I wanted to make sure that everything I had in mind for Reina could be fulfilled.

Reina herself was once the sparkle of life. Her smile would light up any room and probably make guy's fall on their knees for her. Even her body was as frail and gentle as her soul that it would make me and Eros more protective of her. But look at her now, she is probably the strongest person I know. Who would have thought a person so frail could endure so much?

It all started two years ago, when Eros told us that he was going to Europe for an indefinite period of time, that news was enough to rattle me to my core and give poor Reina a heart attack. For someone who has always been with you to go away from you like that, so suddenly was hard to digest. Also the fact that it was impossible to contact him there was all the more frustrating.

Finally with some bitter sweet goodbyes he was gone. But he wasn't the only one who went away.

He took half of Reina with him too. That's when it happened. The incident.

The grief of it was so much that her mother couldn't bear it and she passed away 2 weeks after that. As if things couldn't get worse her father started drinking to the point he couldn't remember his name. Reina always did say that her father loved her mother from the bottom of his heart. And how she wanted a marriage just like they had. But after that morning, when she found her grief-stricken father on the sofa of her living room lying still. I knew she changed her mind. I could see it in her, the incident, her mother, her father everything changed her perspective completely.

From that day I knew I lost her.

I remember how she was sitting in the corner, backed to the wall, as if trying to absorb herself in it. Looking directly at her father while police and doctors did thier job. I just went and sat near her and held her hand. It was something I automatically knew is what she needs. That's when she said with a melancholy smile on her face, as if she was taunting her fate itself,
"Hey Zaki, remember how mom used to tell us that love is a beautiful feeling and if cherished sincerely, can be the joy you could experience for the rest of your life. I guess she forgot to mention that it actually is a coin, beacuse if one side has joy than the other side is filled with pain."
Those were the last words she said beacuse she locked her voice and smiles in that living room and walked out.

But now 2 years later, looking at her smiling again, talking again though not like old times, still was a progress. After so long she was returning my smiles. She was cracking out of the nutshell. It's like she was blooming again after a harsh winter. And it was all thanks to that doofus. It's so hard to believe that he was doing something so meaningful and he had no idea. He was motivating her to live. After all she was still completely in love with him.

Eros on the other hand was not making any kind of progress at all. He was still protective of her I could see. But the attention from his side was 2 years worth of guilt on his shoulder. Because the call he made to tell me the good news of returning back here was also the call when I told him what had happened in his absence. He made a promise to me right there that he was going to give his everything to bring our old Reina back. Honestly, he was doing a pretty commendable job I must admit. If only he could know the whole truth?

Shouting of two loud teenagers in my bedroom had my attention from these thoughts to them. They were both smiling, trying to score better than the other on the video game. Eros was making her time worth living for her. She was happy and I guess that's all that mattered right now.

Reina had sworn me to secrecy that I wouldn't mention anything about it and her love for him at all. And as I said before she was the princess, I couldn't say no to her even if I wanted to, so I kept quiet. That is until it finally happened.

The Graduation Day.

The day when everyone was happy, leaving memories behind, when everybody was deciding in what to do with the future. All the hopes, dreams and memories clashing in one room with hearty smiles. We took many photos, who knew at that moment how precious these photos actually were going to be. All of us that day went home, where my mom had decided to prepare a feast for us. Reina excused herself to go freshen up. While looking at her go I noticed it.

First time in the last 2 years, she was happy, content even. But I also knew that she was in pain. I could see it the whole year. She thought I didn't notice her fake smiles or how she would sometimes make excuses of her being on her monthly cycle to get out of plans or how she would say that the dark circles she had was beacuse of her reading a book she was too much into. But I never called her out on it. Because just like her I was afraid. I too did not wanted to face reality.

So when she walked out of the washroom all pale and blood dripping from her nose, I couldn't lift myself up from the chair, even when Eros was screaming at the top of his lungs or when my mom started to cry I couldn't move a muscle nor could remove my eyes from her. Because I knew that the sparkle who had already started to dim for the last two years was on the verge of diminishing forever.

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