Chapter 2

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Making his way back towards the stairs, Harry wanders aimlessly down the corridors. He had no thought as to where he was going, just that the Welcome Feast should be over by now. I could actually go eat something in the Kitchens. His stomach grumbled it's ascent, so he wandered his way back downstairs.

Looking around at where he was was avoidable, but the memories that assaulted him anyway were not. Flashes of kids like himself fighting for something they shouldn't of had to make themselves apparent. Curses flying back and forth like gusts of wind in a hurricane. Screams and screams and more screams. Parents and students alike crying over those that had fallen to prove he was worthy. That he was meant to lead them... that he was their Savior. He couldn't breathe. He was suffocating on air, and he couldn't breathe. The one thing that was supposed to keep him alive left him to where he couldn't breath. Why hadn't I just died? He should have just died. He... couldn't... breathe.

In a blur of motion faster than the lightning scar on his forehead, his wand was out aiming straight at whatever was in front of him. Something had touched him. It was coming to finally kill him. To rid him of the burden of existing. Someone was talking and it was... calming. It soothed him, he was starting to relax. No I can't lose focus! I just can't! Everyone will die if I don't concentrate!

"Mr Potter, please lower your wand. You're safe. We're all safe. No one is going to die. You have already defeated Voldemort," the voice sounded familiar. "Everything is alright Harry, you can breathe now." He began to relax again, it was okay the voice said so. It's fine, everything if fine, no one is dying.

"Good. That's good Mr Potter. Now would kindly stop pointing your wand at me." McGonagall, it was Professor McGonagall talking to him. Suddenly he was breathing again, his chest wasn't feeling as heavy. He lowered his wand.

"Thank you Mr Potter. Did you hear my announcement to the other Eight Years?" he shook his head.

"Well as I had said, the Eighth Year students will be dorming in their own common room on the 7th floor. The password is Vivit Sumus. Will you be able remember that Mr Potter?" Another nod.

"Good. Just have Ms Granger or Mr Weasely explain the Eighth Year rules for you, let us head toward your new common room, shall we? Would you like to talk about what is bothering you?" he again shook his head, not trusting his voice. McGonagall sighed.

"Just know you can always talk to me, Harry. I may have agreed with Albus on many things but when it comes to my cubs, as it were, especially you, there are many things I wish we had fought him on." Turning, she stood to look directly at Harry. "I know this won't mean much to you but, I'm very proud of you Mr. Potter. You've grown into a powerful and strong young man and wizard. I'm very sorry you had to go through all of this, I can tell it's taken it's toll on you. Just take care of yourself, okay Mr. Potter?"

Pressure started to build in his throat. He nodded. Maybe one day he'd be able to tell her how much that meant to him, but for now, a small smile would have to be enough. There was a slight hesitation from himself and Professor McGonagall once they got to the new common room, but he managed to say the password and turned to enter before stopping.

"Thank you Professor. For everything."

"You're very welcome, Mr. Potter."


The new common room looked like a mix of all the other common rooms only with a single color for decor. The walls and ceiling were similar shades of purple, while the rugs and couches looked like they were moved from the common rooms down and transfigured a different color. Maybe McGonagall did it this past summer? While I was a mess back then, she was here alone with those memories working to better the school.


He startled at the loudness of the voice. Hermione was sat in one of the old Gryffindor armchairs by a small coffee table reading a book. She seemed worried and concerned, on some days she reminded him of Molly.

"Are you okay? Ron and I were worried about you. We couldn't find you after the Feast. What happened?"

"It was nothing 'Mione, I just needed some space to think. I spoke to Professor McGonagall and then she walked me here."

"Are you sure? Not to be rude, but you don't look like you've been encouraging good thoughts."

"I'm fine 'Mione, where's Ron?"

"He's upstairs in his room, there are only two students per room by the way, sulking because he has to share with Blaise."


"Yep. I would tell you who you have, but I think you should see for yourself. Professor McGonagall told us that since we're Eighth Years, and legal adults, the rooms would only have two students in it so each person has more space. Also we have a midnight curfew and more freedom pertaining to classes and social outings. No alcohol on school grounds obviously, the password will only change if necessary, and no shenanigans. The point of us all being here together is because we have shared experiences that no one else has, because of that we are the example to the other students that everyone can be who they are and get along with everybody. Are you even listening Harry?"

"Yes 'Mione, I heard you. Can I go to my room now?"

"Fine, but you and Ron better be up on time for breakfast tomorrow."

"Yes Mum."

A weak Stinging Hex came his way and for the first time all day, Harry laughed. He was very tempted to continue teasing Hermione, but his Hogwarts bed was calling to him and who was he to reject it. Going up the stairs and down the hall to the boys dormitories, Harry could see the names on each door as he passed:

Neville Longbottom/Theodore Nott
Blaise Zabini/Ron Weasely
Justin Finch-Fletchey/Terry Boot
Anthony Goldstein /Tracy Davis
Micheal Corner/Ernest MacMillan
Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy

His eyes bulged out of his skull. He was rooming with Draco Malfoy. Draco sodding Malfoy. His soulmate that nobody knew about. He was buggered and he just knew it. Maybe it won't be that bad. For all he knew, him and Malfoy could just ignore each other the entire year and not kill each other before the month was over. Yeah when the Great Lake dries. Maybe he could get Zabini to switch with him, that would work, then no one would have to suffer. Pulling together the last of his Gryffindor courage, Harry pushed open his door.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2020 ⏰

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