I hate trump and Mike Pence and everybody on their team i'm doing this as a joke because i'm a little gen z piece of shit 😌💅🏻🧚🏻♀️✨"Kamila Harris is destroying me" I thought to myself, oh well what does it matter i'm just doing this for the fame anyway. Trump will give me covid of I don't do well so I have to push through. All of a sudden something started buzzing, a fly. It lands on my head. But I don't bother to push it off knowing that if I do everybody will notice. It's just a fly anyway, how bad can it get?.
"Mr Pence, would you like to respond to that" oh jesus I don't know what to say. Do these people seriously think that I prepare for this. I ramble on about something . I never really answer the question though. All of a sudden the buzzing stops, the fly leaves. The rest of the debate is a blur.
I leave and got to my dressing room, all of a sudden i see the fly, "wow" i think to myself "that's a hot fly, no i can't think about that" The fly starts buzzing. Damn that fly has nice eyes, snap out of it Pence. I say hi to the fly it buzzes back. All of a sudden it gets bigger. woah, maybe I can ask him out. You can do this Mike it's just like politics don't actually say anything no just ramble and hope they get it. "Hi,y names Mike Pence, what's yours" "Hi I'm Steve" the fly says. Wow Steve how dreamy. "Hey Steve, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime" wait did i just actually respond to something directly? but i'm Mike Pence how is that possible? All of a sudden the fly starts talking "Sure Mike, I'll give you my number" I pull out my phone. Steve types his number. All of a sudden I get called, "Bye Steve i'll text you about our plans" "bye Mike" Steve responds. I think this will actually work out well.END OF CHAPTER ONE
Can this fly take my job
RomanceMike pence falls madly in love with the fly on his head and decided to ask him out. Will he say yes?