Annoying Neighbors

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Y/N: "The boys next door are being so loud! I have my earbuds in and the volume is all the way up," I think to myself, "ugh, as much as I hate to do this I might as well."

You get up and walk your neighbors dorm door and knock.
Duke, one of the most popular boys in the whole college, opens the door.

Duke: "Hey, whats up?"
Y/N: "You both are being so loud! Could you maybe quiet down?"
Duke: "Oh, sorry about that Y/N. Me and Matt were just about to go and get dinner actually.. would you like to go with us?"

You see Matt's mouth dangle open.
"We can't have her come Duke!!"
Duke: "Oh please Matt. I know you have a crush on her and all and I won't steal her from you." he laughed.
"DUKE SHUT UP!" Matt's face turned red.

You start to laugh a little and nod your head yes.
"I'd love to come Duke!"
Duke: "Ok well get up Matt, let's go."

You hold open the door for Duke and Matt as they leave the room. You all walk down to Fazolis.

"So who's paying?" Matt asks.
Duke: "I'll pay. Let's just hurry and get inside, it's cold out here."

Short chapter but I don't really know how to make this interesting 😂

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