Chapter 8

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Tried to edit this some more... I decided to just start another chapter. Enjoy!


          OhMyGod. Oliver's thoughts instantly become tangled into one big mess.

          The biker was Gorgeous! Gorgeous in the sense that he was just plain sexy. It was a male(of course!) with dark black hair. His hair wasn't exactly styled; it was in a 'just woke up, leave me alone' kind of style. But that's exactly what made him so appealing. His deep green eyes scaled Olive and locked onto her own gaze. They stared at each other silently, no one daring to speak. Who was this mysterious guy? He was certainly in Olive's way.

          Olive swallowed back her thoughts and looked away. What did he want? Olive no longer cared. She pulled back the strand of hair that hung down the side of her face and nodded toward him, a greeting of acknowledgment. Picking her feet up, she walks passed him.

          Don't look back. Keep walking. He's a predator. I mean, who just stops and stares at you for no reason? Certainly not a man seeking directions.. Her thoughts created fear deep inside her. What if he's following me? Oh god, I need to pick up my pace. I couldn't even hear his breathing earlier! That's odd.

          A strong hand grasped her shoulder. "Stop." His grip tightened.

          Olives eyes widened. His voice was even sexy. His hand fit oddly perfect on her shoulder. She shuddered internally.

          Olive was frozen in space. He could be a predator right? She reminded herself. Do I fight against his grasp? Should I? What was that saying... 'stranger danger'? But she couldn't move. It was like a force was keeping her from escaping. What does he want?

          "Please.." His voice was pained, needing.

          But I hated him only a second ago! Now that I can see him... Olive slowly turned around to face him, her eyes fear-filled. It was impossible to hate that face. His eyes were clouded and looked deep into hers. "I think I know you." His breath rasped against her face. She flinched.

          Do predators start conversations like that?

          Olive didn't respond. She couldn't bring herself too. Was it possible that she knew him? Nah, couldn't be. She'd never seen him in her life. Or..... Maybe she had. Maybe.

          "Do I know you?" His voice was still in its tone of need. She shook her head. "Then I feel like I should..." The guy relaxed his tense shoulders. He hung his head back and let out a load sigh. "Sorry, I startled you didn't I? I didn't mean to approach you this way, really. I don't know what came over me." He smiled, observing her. After a long pause he continued. "Man I haven't been like that in forever. Possibly ever. I was like an abandoned puppy dog, wasn't I?" He stifled a chuckle. "My name's Dusk."

          Now that she got a better view of him.. Dusk was dressed in a school uniform like her. "Nice to meet you, Dusk." There was another strange silence. He was willing her to continue. "... Yeah, I'm starting some school close by. Probably the one you're going to. I forgot what it's called.." She swore under her breath. Why do I forget important things in important situations?

          Dusk chuckled again. "Let me give you a ride - It's Scarlet Academy High - Since I am going there, anyway."

          Olive stared passed him. "I think I'd rather walk."

          He was taken aback. "But it's a long hill. If you ride with me, you'll get there faster."

          "I'm not stupid. I wouldn't take rides from strangers." She snapped at him. Hurt shown in his bright green eyes.

          "I'm no stranger!" Dusk's hand gripped Olive's. "I know you, and you know me." A low growl escaped his lips. "Don't make me force you, princess."

          Princess? What in the heck is wrong with this guy?

          "First of all," her other hand poked at his chest, "I'm defiantly no princess. Second, Back off. There's no way you can get me on your bike. And last," She poked him hard, right at the heart, "you. Don't. Know. Me. Ok? So stop telling yourself you do." She shook her hand from his, only to be taken back.

          "I. Do. Ok? So stop telling yourself I don't." He echoed.

          Dang, this guy's persistent. I bet he just likes the sound of his voice. Most guys this attractive do. "Can't you take a hint? Leave me alone." Olives hand was being crushed in Dusk's. No escape.

          "I'll choose to leave you alone after I get you up that hill."

          Olive stopped and frowned. Well, that was a change of plans. If I ride with him, then he'll leave me alone, right? Plus, the faster I get there the quicker I can warm up from this awful cold.. "Fine."

          Satisfied, he grinned. "Good." He dragged her over to his bike, tossed her a helmet, and threw her on the back. "Now, hang on to me." Olive grabbed his shoulders. "No- like this." Dusk reached over and placed Olive's hands around his waist. "Tightly, don't let go. I'm going fast."

          She hugged him. A blush tinted Olive's cheeks; she fit perfectly into his figure. Looking to the side, she drifted into deep thoughts. We just met. She linked her hands around him and buried her head in his shoulder. Dusk is an odd guy. She breathed in the scent of his leather jacket. He probably likes this... but oddly enough.. I have to admit. I do too.


          Within only a minute, they reached the tall school building.

          "Thanks for the ride."

          "It was my pleasure."

          I bet, Olive thought and sighed. "Could you, possibly, help me find The Principals Office? I'm afraid I'll get lost."

          Dusk ran his hands through his hair. The morning sunlight showered him. "Wish I could. I have to go talk to the football coach. He's trying to get me to transfer schools, but I-..." He smirked and gazed at Olive. "I can't now that I've found you."

          Her entire body tingled from his words. Now that he's found me? What is that supposed to mean? "Good or bad thing?" She raised an eyebrow at him as he winked.

          "Both," With that, Dusk ran across the school yard into the distance. Watching him go, Olive straightened herself up and prepared for a meeting with the Head of the school, principal, headmaster, there was no specific name for the man. Her warm breath chilled in the air; she began her journey towards the dark-stoned building.

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