6 | The stowaway

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All of us went into our assigned rooms. Respectively, Avdol with Joseph, Kakyoin with Polnareff and last but not least, Jotaro with me.

Jotaro went into the shower after me, still showering while I was sitting on a chair, looking out of the window with my still wet hair.

I was thinking to myself.. did my aunt and uncle get the letter I wrote to them? Would they forgive me for leaving them so suddenly?

My family knew me as a perceptive, rational and objectively thinking person, who also knew what goals to follow and how to learn from other's and own mistakes.

To them, my decision to travel with basically strangers would have seemed like a kidnapping, so I hope they believe me that I'm fine and simply doing an internship at the renowned Speedwagon Foundation.

"You should close that window if you sit there with your wet hair."
Jotaro's voice resounded, leading me to turn around and face him.

"Yeah, right.. it's early December, winter is approaching here after all."
I muttered as I closed the window.

Jotaro laid down on his bed before sighting in exhaustion.

"What a day, huh? Our plane accident, then our way around Hong Kong, followed by Avdol's fight with Polnareff.."
I started a conversation with Jotaro, leading him to look at me from the bed with both of his hands behind his head.

"What do you think happened to the passengers the Stand beetle took the tongues from? I mean.. they might survive, but the beetle went right through the back of their heads.."
"The longer we take to find Dio, the more innocent bystanders will be hurt. But we decided not to use any means of transport with civilians on it, remember?"
Jotaro reminded me, leading me to nod at him.

"Yes, you're right, I remember.."
I muttered while approaching my bed before lying down on it.

"I won't be able to fall asleep if you're going to stay up late."
I informed Jotaro while I put my blanket over me, turning my back to him.
"I won't stay up late."

Jotaro turned off the little nightstand lamp before he also put his blanket over him.

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep, but also not long until I woke up again. I looked at the clock above my bed, seeing it was only 3am.

I stood up from my bed quietly not to wake Jotaro up, putting on my white cardigan and shoes before leaving the room silently.

Just as I was closing the door behind me, I noticed Polnareff leaving his and Kakyoin's room.

"Oh, Polnareff, are you leaving already? I didn't have the chance to introduce myself yet, so I will do it now. My name is Caroline."
"Very nice of you, Caroline. But yes, I am leaving. I have to get a clear mind and think everything through, so pardonnez-moi."

Polnareff waved goodbye at me while I watched him go down the stairs.

I approached Kakyoin's room, knocking on the door quietly so not to wake him in case he was asleep. To my surprise, he opened the door.

"Oh, Caroline. Why aren't you sleeping?"
I replied to him as he opened the door Futter and I entered his room.
"I often only sleep a few hours per day, that's nothing unusual for me."

Kakyoin closed the door before both he and I sat down on his bed.

"Only three hours now, huh? If I would sleep only that long for a few days, I surely would be very tired."
"I guess my body got used to it overtime. And you, weren't you sleeping yet at all?"
"No, I waited for Polnareff to wake up and then I talked to him."

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now