Chapter 15

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There was a groups of soldiers that have been stacked each other in the forest.All of their blood was staining the grass while the mysterious girl was seem devouring them,eating their flesh and skin off from them. 

Her head up,licking the blood on her lip and wiping her lip.The girl dusting her dress off that has been dirtied by one of the Knights. 

" so delicious.Their flesh is so tasty as always.But..."The girl turned around,sensing such a familiar magic. She smirked. "Frick!"The girl called the name,making the monster dashed toward her quickly like a flash. 

"I wonder...since I have been attacking the human knights for weeks now...will the human take action about it.Or~ the demon Queen,Kim Minji and her servant Kim Yoohyeon will take an action instead~"




At the castle, Yoohyeon was helping Nako to prepare the foods for the queen.So this mean she was cooking for the queen.She was using Sua's cooking method on her dish. 

Yoohyeon placed some raw chickens onto the pan,grilling it.As she watched the raw chickens were grilling with some cooking oil popping out,she was smiling. 

Nako noticed it and grinned. "I think her highness will like your cooking."Nako praised her. 

Yoohyeon glanced at the smaller girl,then she look at grilling chickens as she scratched her nape.  "Really?" She asked. The smaller girl nodded and proceed to helping her with some plates.

After a few minutes of cooking for the queen,she then placed all of the grilled chickens onto the small box.She told the queen that she will bring her into the forest to have a picnic together.While she bring her to the forest,she actually already planned to tell her,all about her feeling she has been keeping since she met Jiu ever since they were kids. 

Yoohyeon waited for Jiu to get dressed.She was standing just outside the private room of the queen. 

Though she was so excited,she was nervous.She also bring the sword in case something someone will attack them and she need to protect the queen. 

The door from the queen bedroom has just clicked open,revealing the queen wearing such a one piece white outfit,having a ribbon around her neck with 2 of her long gloves covering up to her elbow  . 

"How do I look?" 

"Y-you look great." 

'You look so beautiful',that's what Yoohyeon supposed to say but she couldn't bring her mouth to say that,instead she only used a simple word to the queen. 

Jiu asked Nako to take care of the castle while she was away for the picnic with Yoohyeon in the forest.Nako could only reply with a grinned,then she look at nervous Yoohyeon and winked at her.Yoohyeon nervously smile at her as a reply. 

Yoohyeon and Jiu started to walk together,their hand were intertwined.Yoohyeon glanced at the blonde hair girl,inhale deeply. 

It was just the start of the day and she was totally nervous.She hope that she can tell her,about her feeling and ask about that kiss they had just yesterday.


Siyeon was hiking around the mountain.It was the hottest day and some sweat already formed on her forehead. 

She decided to take a break.She put down her hiking stick on the ground and took out the lunch box that Sua handed her in the morning before she went out from the house. 

Siyeon open the box as she sniffed the scent of the food in front of her.She eat and began to remember her past 20 years ago. 


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