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So our journey ends here....❤

Nandini's POV

Hey guys you all must be thinking what I am doing here. Well I might have taken our writer's job and start this chapter. It's been a long time so you all might didn't remember me so let me take you a little back in the past.

I was a junior editor in a magazine in Delhi and I always wanted to become a famous journalist and one day I got a chance to show my journalism to my devil boss.

I was appointed to go to Mumbai to cover the Manik Malhotra heir of Malhotra family who was about to take over the Malhotra industries. There were alot of twists and turns and trust me when I say alot I meant alot but ultimately he took over the Malhotra industries and my heart as well.

Its been 349 days 11 hours 23 min and 7 sec since I said yes to the love of my life Manik Malhotra the sole heir of Malhotra family and successful ceo of Malhotra industries but for me he is just manik anyways whose counting except me and those press reporters and the million people around the world.

There's been alot of back and forth between mumbai and Delhi. I showed manik my life how I lived like a normal girl in delhi and he showed me his life how he was treated so lavishly. The life since my engagement wasn't easy but it was interesting ohh did I tell you guyss today is my wedding well not mine alone my and manik's wedding.

Yes we decided to get married after I was established in my career and manik understood me. In fact he only suggested that we'll get married after I achieved my dreams and here I am a successful news reporter and finally getting married to the love of my life.

We decided for a white wedding since I always wanted one from the time I saw those princess movies and on knowing my wish manik didn't left any stone unturned to complete my wish.

And currently I am sitting infront of the mirror getting ready for my wedding. My hands touched the white fabric if my wedding dress which was made from my mom's wedding dress. Though everyone wanted a designer wedding dress since I was to become a Malhotra bride but I requested the designer to make the wedding dress from my mom's one as I wanted her to be with me on my special day.

 Though everyone wanted a designer wedding dress since I was to become a Malhotra bride but I requested the designer to make the wedding dress from my mom's one as I wanted her to be with me on my special day

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I decided to go with the simple makeup and hair but I guess the stylist didn't understand the meaning of simple as again I am a Malhotras bride it's not like I am complaining I am looking beautiful.

The doors behind me opened and I looked at the person entered. Navya my best friend stared at me with a smile.

Nav: you look beautiful

I smiled and saw her in a peach dress and was looking so pretty. She was my maid of honor and I still remembered when I asked her to by maid of honor she literally jumped and hugged me so tightly that I cant breath and manik being overprotective or should I say over possessive pulled me back and glared at her.

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