chapter 8

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"I asked you a question, pet, and I recommend answering me," I repeated, maintaining the assertive tone that had momentarily thrown Kirari off balance. We stood there, pressed against the car door, our faces just inches apart. "Hurry up and answer!"

Kirari hesitated for a moment, her eyes locked with mine. It was a rare sight to see her flustered like this. "I'll d-do as I'm told," she stammered, finally giving in to my expectations.

"Good, pet! Now, be good. I don't like getting angry at you," I said, softening my tone slightly. As I released her from the car door's grip, I couldn't help but notice the mix of emotions in her eyes – uncertainty, compliance, and a hint of vulnerability.

Time skipped, and we eventually arrived at my lavish residence. The car glided smoothly through the grand iron gates, a testament to the opulence of my family's lifestyle. I couldn't wait to show my mother how cute Kirari looked with the collar.

With an eager pace, I led Kirari through the front door and made a beeline for my mother's office. Bursting into the room, my excitement was palpable.

"Mum! MUM!! Look how cute Kiri looks!!" I exclaimed, hoping to share my newfound joy with my mother.

My mother, deeply engrossed in her work, looked up with an indulgent smile. Her attention immediately shifted to Kirari, who stood there with a mix of discomfort and curiosity. "Well, don't you look cute!" my mother remarked warmly. "Come over here, would you, Kirari?"

Kirari complied, her hesitation palpable. But to my surprise, my mother did something that caught us both off guard. She gently picked Kirari up and placed her on her lap, cradling her as if she were a baby, and started cuddling her.

"You're as cute as a button. You used to enjoy cuddles and affection, remember? I used to bounce you up and down on my lap like this!" My mother began to gently bounce Kirari, her laughter filling the room.

I couldn't help but burst into laughter as well, unable to contain my amusement at the unexpected turn of events. Kirari's expression was priceless, a mixture of shock and bewilderment as she found herself being treated like a two-year-old.

Finally, my mother put Kirari back down, her demeanor returning to its usual composed self. "Now, Y/N, take good care of Kirari. Make her feel at home," she instructed with a warm smile before ushering us to leave her office.

With Kirari's leash in hand, I gently guided her towards my room, leaving behind the amusing encounter with my mother. As I closed the door behind us, I couldn't help but reflect on the complex dynamics that had just unfolded. Our lives had taken an unexpected turn, and the road ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear – Kirari and I were in this together.

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