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She was sitting on a bench , the same one they'd sat on when they met for the first time and now it would the same place to mark the end of their time.

She didn't have anything to say. she was going to keep it simple; just hand him the jersey and then leave. Not look back at all.

But when she saw him walk through those gates towards her, all thoughts flew from out of her mind. All she could see was his how his long blonde hair shone like pure gold in the sunlight and how his eyelashes seemed like little rays of light. The beauty that he was made her heart throb and hurt, start and stop, beat slow and beat faster than perhaps even the speed of light.

In that one moment she realized she was just kidding herself all along that she didn't love this man, it was a joke and a way to make herself feel better about this whole situation. She was still madly and deeply in love with him and nothing she....

"Hey.." , a grave voice reached her ears, breaking her train of thoughts and bringing her back to reality. He was suddenly standing too close. It was hard for her to breath. She never could breathe in his presence.

"How are you?", He asked.

There was something in his voice or maybe it was abrupt question, he usually looked into her eyes trying to see into her soul before he asked her this. Today he was looking everywhere except at her, in her eyes.

That's when she knew that this wasn't her Jace , this was someone who looked like him, sounded like him but wasn't him. Her amor had gotten lost somewhere and he wasn't coming back. This stranger had taken his body and she didn't this person.

Jace saw her eyes getting cold and the warmth in them disappearing, the warmth she only reserved for the people she loved. He knew in that instant, she was gone and was never coming back and it was all his fault. He had messed up again and there wasn't going to be a next time because she was gone and deserved it. 

He was brought back when a handbag was dangled infront of him, the gift, the jersey he had soo wanted. The last gift she had bought for him with the promise for more in the future but there wouldn't be one not for them at least.

She was here to make sure that this was the last time was the last time. He silently grabbed the bag and she turned around ready to leave. 

"Hazel Please", he said with his voice cracking barely a whisper no one could her especially not her so far away from him.

She stopped and he knew she'd heard him, not through the air but through the string that connected their hearts and through which she always heard him and came running to him in his arms.  

This time was different though she'd stopped only for second a tear trickled down her face. She heard him but he never heard her so this time she didn't turn and walked away.

He saw her take steps away from him and knew he would never love anyone else, she was the one but now it was too late. He'd given her up.

He wore that jersey hoping to find some solace and he did. Looking up at the sky he says," I love you Hazel, just like you love me." A smile appeared on his beautiful face lighting up the whole world and then he fell to his knees.

This was the place she'd given him a new life and this was the place she took it away because it was her's always and she claimed it today. It was only fitting, he'd lost his life on the same bench Hazel had once gained life, they both had that day.

When he'd told her he couldn't handle her burden with everything else, that day she had died internally but he hadn't realized. Today he had died completely wholly and she hadn't felt it. 

This was the universe's cruel way of settling the scores.

on a benchWhere stories live. Discover now