Introduction re-written

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An: Hello everyone! Before going into this story, I would like to specify that Ennard is his own animatronic completely separated from the others. I won't go into the specifics because it will spoil the story. I noticed I never specified that before so here it is in the re-write! I do hope you enjoy, I tried adding more details and use better writing in the re-write of this chapter. I plan to re-write the other chapters up to the point where I resumed writing.

That explanation was mostly for new readers, so now if your an old reader, thank you for sticking with me even after the whole year away from this. And for reading these horribly written chapters, I plan to only improve from here on out! So whether old or new, tell me if something doesn't make sense, if there are mistakes or if I'm not adding enough details. It would really help because I plan to go into writing professionally some day, so I should get a head start if I can! If you read through this all, thank you so much! This is all I have to say, so enjoy this chapter re-write!

Michael's Pov


"Mmm.." I lazily groan, rolling over to turn my alarm off. The moment I pressed the button, my mind began to actually wake, leading me to question why I set that alarm...

"Oh, shit!" I exclaimed as I jumped out of bed, fumbling to find the uniform father gave me the day before. He called me yesterday all of a sudden and kind of forced me to work at one of his new businesses. I didn't really get a word out before he told me he was coming by my apartment to drop the uniform off, which was then when he hung up. I was annoyed after that because I was doing fine being a mechanic at the car repair shop but now that's thrown out the window. He later came by as he said and gave me the uniform, finally explaining something. Father said that I would be doing the night shift of his new "rental business" for his animatronics. I would be doing cleaning, inspection, and repair work so at least my old skills will be of use here. Though before he left he said something really strange...


"Oh and Michael" William said stopping in the doorway of my apartment. "What now?" I said with an annoyed tone and expression, holding my door debating whether or not to just close it, hitting my father in the process. "When you go down there..tell me if you find her" he said to me, turning his body to give me one final glance, then proceeding to leave as he was before he said that. "Hey, what do you mean by that?" I said following my father out, though he only continued walking down the hall and said, "you'll know who when she comes across you." and disappeared down the stairs of the apartment building.

That all happened yesterday and it still confuses and annoys me even now. Though maybe it was because I had to force myself to sleep at the time father left. My shift starts at 12 am so I decided I would need to wake up a whole hour earlier. I predicted I would forget like how I just did so it worked out in the end. All these thoughts passed through my head as I fixed my tie while staring at my mirror.

"Let's get this over with..." I mumbled to myself

" I mumbled to myself

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