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Michael's Pov

After I gave my hand to Ennard, he led me to a strange room, he didn't let go of my hand until he lowered me into said room. His strange wires let go of me after I safely landed and he soon hopped in right after, giving me the flashlight. I took a few steps forward shining the flashlight in front of me, at first I saw a chair then a desk and finally three monitors with a fan beside it on the desk. It was a fairly small room, though looking at the walls I realized there were two separate rooms and a vent on each side of the wall.

"Hey Ennard.. those doors don't connect to any of the other rooms right?" I asked, turning to Ennard. "No, they don't Michael. We are completely secluded from everyone else, unless they manage to get through the maze of vents and enter the way we did just now" he explained calmly while I looked up at the ceiling vent. "Oh okay... hey where are you going?" I said after seeing Ennard moving to go into the other vent.

"You like me that much?" Ennard teased, looking back at me, smiling. I blushed and replied,"no, I just wanted to talk, who knows how long we have until another maintenance crew comes along to get the power back on." I said ignoring his comment, Ennard then goes to sit on the chair. "Even then, I wouldn't even know if it's safe enough to leave"

"Well then we have much time to spare" Ennard said, "what do you want to do?" He continued. I thought for a moment,"Hm..what do you usually do here by yourself?" I asked Ennard while I went to sit on the desk. He seemed to space out before he answered, "nothing really, none of the other animatronics want my presence near them so I'm just here in this room most of the time" he said looking down as if he was still in a trance. "Oh.. well you can talk to me now Ennard" I said slowly forming a smile, he finally looked at me when I said that. He only stared when I said that, no emotion came through. I was starting to feel uncomfortable under his stare so I looked away. 'Is he going to say anything? What did I say to make him space out on me like that?'

"Your a weird human you know"

I go to look at Ennard again, his expression was more nonchalant than his normal icy stare. He was resting his head on the back of his hand, leaning his elbow on the armrest of the chair. "How am I weird?" I asked Ennard. "Well one, you've willingly followed a robot whom you've barely met to a secret secluded room. Two, you've openly trusted said robot and practically put your life in his hands. And three, your acting as though he were human like yourself"

'huh, well I guess he has a point'

"Well Mr "robot", for starters, you act way to human like for me to treat you just as a regular robot, you have feelings and I found that quite surprising. I find it awkward if I don't treat you as one, and two, I had no choice but to follow you, it's either death or a strange robot." I said with a huff, crossing my legs and arms looking away.

"Hahaha, I picked such an interesting human to cross paths with." I look back at Ennard who now has an amused expression, "tell me, do you actually care for my feelings?" Ennard said leaning back in the chair as if he didn't care for the answer. "Um.. kinda yeah... I mean if you can feel the same emotions as I do, why should I act as though you don't?" I said hoping that was a good enough answer for his question. Ennard was looking up at the ceiling, his face shifted back to his normal icy stare when he processed the words I spoke. He eventually got up and did something surprising..

He hugged me first, I was quite surprised at his actions, I didn't know how to react so I froze. "Return it." Ennard said, I quickly returned the hug. Since I was on the desk, I was roughly the same height as Ennard. He laid his head on my shoulder again, it was really weird... and he called me the weird one.

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