The New Boss

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Hi Guys! I wanted to say thank you to AnimeGirl14 for being my first fan! :-)

The last time I updated this story was a while back, but I want to get back into writing it. So here is the second chapter

So please if you like this story, comment, vote etc

Thanks for reading tc x

Everybody ran to the centre of the room, all encircling Dave.

“Now listen very carefully, I need to go out of the office for a while” YES!!

“Something important has come up which means I am going to need a replacement”

Alison and Leanne couldn’t help but chuckle at the men surrounding them; they had suddenly broadened their shoulders, possibly in an attempt to be recognised as the replacement. As if that is all it takes, Guys are so pathetic!

“But, of course I’m not calling you forward today, to pick out my replacement, now am I?”

A loud simultaneous amount of sighing filled the room, which made the rest of the occupants burst out laughing. Dave was not pleased.

“I said it is important! Mr Reeves, wait in my office!” with that sudden outburst the room suddenly fell quiet.

“Now, as I was saying, I need a replacement, so you might have noticed that there are an unusual amount of new faces in this office today.” Alison looked around the office and noticed that the room was split in half, her usual colleagues were on her side of the room and the new faces were standing behind Dave.

“The extra help is courtesy of your new boss, who will be looking after you and this office until I come back.” As if everyone was thinking the same thing, everyone started to scour the room for the boss.

Please don’t be mean.

“So without further ado, I pronounce to you your new boss, Mr James Milton Rimes” Dave stepped aside to reveal a man in his late twenties, smiling awkwardly making his chiselled facial features even more prominent. “Please Sir, you don’t have to be so formal with me, your embarrassing me!” and stifling a little laugh he turned his attention to the awaiting crowd of bemused employees. Oh my!

“Gosh! He is so hot!” Leanne exclaimed loud enough so only Alison was aware of her feelings. Laughing quietly Alison warned Leanne before Dave became aware that they were not paying attention.

“Leanne, you idiot shut up, he’s going to hear us!”

“Alison, do you have anything you would like to share with us?” Alison quickly stood upright, surprised, her eyes wide open, she didn’t realise Dave was watching her; she looked over at Leanne who had suddenly stiffened up like her.

“No sir, erm, I wasn’t actually talking about erm anything”

Please leave me alone

“Fantastic! You can show your new boss, Mr Rimes around the office then”

“What?! Around the office, but doesn’t he already know?”

“NOW!!” That made Alison jump out of her skin.

For god’s sake!

Noticing the whole rooms eyes were on her, she walked up to “Mr Rimes” and escorted him out of the office. She did notice he was studying her, as if trying to remember where he had seen her last.

I’m not going to mention it, so please don’t mention it, please!

“Sorry for that little outburst there, I am normally a very polite well-mannered lady”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2012 ⏰

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