Chapter 4

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Louis's P.O.V

Harry and I pulled in front of the Salt And Sugar diner, I couldn't help but laugh at the sight of Harry. He was holding his stomach, and rocking back and forth as if he were sick, poor Hazza. We slowly walked towards the enterance, Harry followed behind me like a little puppy, "C'mon Curly, once she see's that face she'll realize what she's been missing on." I assured gently pinching his cheeks, he slightly smiled but I could still see the fear shining in his eyes. He nodded his head and we made our way into the diner and took a seat at a booth. The diner was tacky, the walls were covered with pictures of Elvis, and the booths and seats were a teal color. I almost kind of snorted just by the look of this place, but stopped myself before it escaped my mouth. Harry fidgeted with his hands, but then he looked up and there was this glow in his eyes as if he had just seen the Queen. I looked over and in my suprise there was a VERY fit girl standing at the edge of our table. Her hair was a beautiful chocolate brown that hung straight covering her breasts, her eyes were a brown color with swirls of green and gold. Her lips had the light hitting perfectly off of them, now I could see exactly why Harry was head over heels for this girl. "Erm, I, um, have to go to the bathroom" Harry muttered quietly getting up and zooming right past the girl. She looked a little stunned but her lips formed a smile, and her perfectly white teeth were revealed. "How may I help you" she asked polietly. "Well, actually it's kind of a long story, mind sitting down?" I questioned, as she began to look puzzled, "sure" she said faintly. "My lad Harry would like to take you on a coffee date tomorrow" I suggested as she nodded her head. "Oh, well that might just work" she smiled.

**Harrys P.O.V**

I paced around the bathroom, running my fingers through my hair. I knew how Louis was and how jealousy can get the best of him so all I could do was pray that he wasn't embarrassing me. I heard a couple of giggles, and then pressed my ear upon the bathroom door hoping I'd be able to make out at least a bit of what they were saying. I couldn't stay in here forever, she's going to know something's up so I made my way back to our booth. The girl was on one side of the table and Louis was on the other. She had her face rested upon her knuckles like a little girl. She looked so cute. "Oh hi" Louis chirped as he shifted a bit making room for me to sit down. "Harry this is Lauren" Louis exclaimed as I awkwardly waved and she did a little wave in return. Great, Lou's getting off better with her then I am, that's one way to start a good relationship. "So do you work here full time" I asked awkwardly as she blushed a bit and fidgeted in her seat. "Well no, I mean yes, I mean I um." She murmured looking away, she was so cute when she got embarrassed. "Go on" I giggled, "well I just moved here from New York and I needed a summer job. I'll be working part time though come September since I'm starting Uni and yeah." She sounded like she was going in the right direction. She obviously must have been pretty intelligent to get into a London University. "Oh so you're American" I asked sounding interested, "no" she replied sharply. "Haz, she's Canadian her parents moved to New York when she was 16." Louis emphasized as I nodded my head as if I already knew. I could see Lauren's cheeks turn into a subtle flushed pink color. "Wow, that's quiet a transition, which do you prefer" I asked as this wave of home sickness rushed over both of us. Her smile faded, and so did mine, she obviously thought of her mum and I thought of mine. I reached over the table and placed my hand on top of hers and she began to smile. I rested my hand there for a second, and then jerked it back. "I love New York but Toronto will always be my home" she exclaimed, "and Holmes Chappel will always be mine" I added as we both giggled in unison. 

  Almost two hours had gone by when I felt a vibration come from my pocket, I reached in and grabbed my iPhone, and unlocked the screen. It was a text from Lou. 

BooBear: Guess who scored you a hot date with Laur tomorrow!

Me: I'm guessing the Swag Master From Donecaster, oh & why are we texting you're right beside me Lou...

BooBear: Earth to Harold, she's sitting right in front of us...Anyways, stop acting so...not like yourself just be yourself and I'm sure she'll love you for you. 

As I read his text I couldn't help but just smile and just take a moment to appreciate how great of a friend Lou was. 

**Lauren's P.O.V**

I glanced over at Harry as he sat across from me looking down into his lap smiling, I was a little confused at first I had to admit. Until I then realized his phone was in his hands and I just felt like a complete idiot for a moment. "Do you know what time it is" I asked politely "huh what" he murmured. "Oh the time, ops it's 5:30 sorry" he replied as he got out of his trance. "Shoot" I muttered to myself, "sorry boys but I have to go, I have a best friend waiting at home for me."

"Oh I was hoping we could maybe get together tonight" he commented as he frowned, ugh I hated having to turn people down on offers. As much as I really wanted to stay with Harry for the night I just couldn't let Kendall down, I promised her I'd stay by her side while she recovered from the break up. "Uh well my best friend kind of is getting over a break up so i promised her we'd have a night filled with..." I trailed off trying to find the word "girly things" Louis interupted. "Exactly," Harry formed an O with his mouth as I nodded, "well I'm cool with doing girly things" he added cooly. "You don't give up do you? Well maybe in a few hours but she's a hot mess right now." I warned, "kind of just like you" he teased as we all got up and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder resulting in my shoulders crashing into his side. "Watch it curly" I warned as I lifted his arm off of my shoulder. 

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