The Science (A Mini Chapter)

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It was the next day and it was time to go to that new class that you were assigned to.

(Y/N): Aye Aera you ready?

Aera: Yeah, how about you?

(Y/N): I'm also ready.

And like that, you two walked out the door. Driving to MSU and walking into the class. Almost instantly every one of the Inmortuae in the room looked over at Aera. Whispering "Hey isn't that the queen." "Yeah, I think it is.". It made both of you nervous. Which is a normal response, especially when you're dating a royal.

???: Alright everybody class is starting. Aera, (Y/N) please take a seat.

(Y/N)/Aera: Yes sir.

???: You don't need to call me sir. Luckily these are introductions. Hello class, my name is Mr. Ricci. I will be your Teacher for Inmortuae/Sapientes Lupus and Human class. But from I hear you guys like being called Inmortuae. This class will be about Interaction with Inmortuae and also Sexual Interaction with Inmortuae.

Random Student: Mr. Ricci, the first question. What happens when one turns violent?

Mr. Ricci: So what you'll do is call 911 like any normal person. Currently the police force are being trained on how to treat Inmortuae as any other person. As their mentality is the same as us humans. Thank you for asking.

(TIme skips 3 days later.)

Mr.Ricci: Now time for the lesson that you all have been waiting for. The first thing on the table is. Is it alright to have sexual intercourse with an Inmortuae? Yes, if they consent and if you consent. Think of this as a normal human to human relationship. Because it is, and the reason for that is. Because, Humans and Inmortuae can get each other pregnant. Meaning safe sex is crucial if you don't want your companion pregnant. Birth control pills work in the same fashion on Inmortuae as they do with humans. Now the science behind it. Inmortuae have 46 chromosomes just like humans. Also, sex cells in Inmortuae going under the same process of Mitosis as humans. We've also examined the genome of Inmortuae and there is roughly the same amount of genes in their DNA. They also have the same amount of DNA per chromosome. So again it is entirely possible to get one or the other pregnant. Also, the Inmortaue's gestation period and reproductive organs are the same as humans as seen in this x-ray. Now, this is the final class for you guys but not for me. Have a nice rest of the year.

Everyone: You too.

Author's note: Now you know the science.

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